Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

*Author's P.O.V*

"I think that I may have overdressed for this." Harry points out while tugging at the straps of his overalls.

"I don't think you did. Don't sweat it." Niall responds as they wait in line to be registered in.

"But everyone else is dressed so cas-" He goes to finish but his lover hushes him respectfully.

"There are two parts of this date." Niall reassures him, wiggling his two fingers that are raised up.

Harry stands in the lobby of the laser tag building with his hands shoved in his pockets. Everyone around them are dressed in sweatpants and sweatshirts. Even Niall is wearing sweatpants but he has a random graphic tee shirt on. It still doesn't take away from how casual he looks. Of course, he usually doesn't care how he dresses but this time it bothers him to his core. Before he could complain about it some more, it is their turn to register for a game. Niall pays and signs them up for three rounds. Once that is over, they stand near the other people that were waiting their turn. A female instructor comes over to the group and gives them a tutorial on what to do and what not to do. The couple look at each other when they notice that she keeps checking Niall out. They try their best not to burst out in laughter. They put on their gear and grab their guns.

"I hope you're ready to have your ass kicked." Niall states, pointing his gun at his head with a grin.

"I would rather have my ass fucked into oblivion but that's just me." Harry responds and the teenagers behind them look at each other with wide eyes.

"I shouldn't have said anything." He replies, rubbing his eyebrows with a sigh.

When the game starts, their vests turn different colors, letting them know that they are on different teams. They immediately go there separate ways as everyone starts shooting at each other and screaming. Within the first two minutes, they realize how tiring this is. That doesn't defeat how fun it is. Sweat starts to form on their foreheads and their breathing gets more heavy. There are so many bodies running around them that they were on edge the entire time. There was so many people that it was hard to find each other. The darkness of the room did not help either. That happen for the first two games that they played, which involved Niall's team winning both rounds. In the final round, they have the luck of finding each other. From that point on, they follow each other while shooting each other.

When the final game ends, Harry pouts as he sees his vest turn red in defeat. There are a few other people around him whose vest turn red as well. They don't look as bummed out as him, though. Niall approaches him with his vest showcasing a bright green in victory. There is a big smile on his face as he starts to open his arms. Harry walks into his arms and pretends to cry into his shoulder. They pull away so they are at arms length before Niall peppers his face with soft kisses. The last kiss is on the lips and Harry tries to hold him there for longer but it doesn't work. A few giggles escape their mouth when they see the same female instructor watching them. A blush comes up on her face and she turns away from them. They turn to look at the scoreboard to find Niall in first place for the blue team and Harry in fourth for the white team.

"No fair. You had to have done this before." Harry says, turning to his lover to see him taking a picture of him.

"No but I did use to play with Nerf guns with the neighborhood kids a lot." Niall informs, pulling him into his side to take a picture with him.

"That definitely counts as cheating." He responds, deciding that he wasn't going to label those three rounds a lost.

"I wouldn't say cheating but just an advantage." Niall replies, resisting the urge to rub his wins in his face.

"So where are we going for the second part of our date?" He asks as they take off their equipment and set it to the side.

"We are going stargazing." Niall answers, giving him jazz hands to make it seem a lot more exciting.

"But it's still early in the day." He states, checking the time on his phone.

"I know but we're going to go grab a bite to eat and chit chat before then." Niall explains while patting him on the butt.

They decide to mess with the female instructor some more before they leave by acting super in love. They cup each other cheeks and rub their noses against each other. They talk in a baby voices while giggling like little school girls. They could give a shit about anyone else seeing them and deciding to judge them. As they make their way out, a man and his children walk in. For a brief second, Harry happens to see his side profile and completely freezes once they get outside. As much as he wants to go back to really confirm if that was him, he doesn't. There's no way Elijah somehow got his location. There's a restraining order in place too. Niall notices his tense state and hugs him close to his body, which starts to ease him. He doesn't know what could have caused his boyfriend to feel this way but he knows he's going to tell him when he's ready. Ready just so happens to be now.

"I thought that I saw him but that guy's side profile just resembled him." Harry says as they start to walk back to their car.

"Are you sure that it wasn't him?" Niall asks, wanting to go back and confirm even though he's never seen him before.

"Yeah. He would have definitely attempted to talk to me if it was. The bastard doesn't have children either." Harry explains with them making it to the relatively empty parking lot.

"Okay. If you ever see him, let me know immediately and I'll handle him." He replies, wanting to sound intimidating as possible.

"Since when were you the violent type?" Harry questions, trying not to laugh seeing as his tough guy act is so cute.

"I'm not but I'd beat that fucker till my knuckles bleed and swell." He answers, taking out his car keys with his other hand clenched tightly.

"I'd love to see those hands in action." Harry states while grabbing his hands and bringing them up to kiss them.

"You do see these hands in action all the time." He responds, using one hand to gently grab him by the neck.

The sudden grip makes Harry's eyes flutter. Though it took him by surprise, he still welcomes it. He backs up until his back is resting against the car. His hands rest on his lover's hips as he moves closer until their bodies are centimeters apart. They could give two shits that this is happening in board daylight and in an open space. They don't know what it is but they feel this insane pull toward each other. Maybe it's the agreement of wanting to see Elijah get his ass kicked to oblivion. Maybe it's the protectiveness oozing from Niall. Maybe it's their overall bond getting stronger. Whatever it is, they love it. They start to kiss passionately with the tornado and earthquake settling on top of each other. The settlement seems as if it's going to last for awhile, letting the city live in peace. They pull away while staring into each other eyes deeply.

"That was fucking incredible." Harry breathes out and the biggest smile comes up on both of their faces.



Thoughts??? Predictions??? Finally graduated university and my arm healed up nicely from the incident so updates should be a bit more frequent now.

Bye my High Voltage.

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