Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

*Author's P.O.V*

"What prompted this confession so suddenly?" He asks, low key wishing he was there to witness that moment.

"He had let out some well deserved tears due to his situation with that bastard then we spent some quality time together." Niall informs him, instinctively scooting closer to his boyfriend until their sides are pressed together.

"Where you two bored this morning?" He questions suddenly while grabbing his notebook and pen.

"No why?" Harry asks and just as he's about to put it together he gets a response.

"Because you had sex. Am I correct?" He says and if they discreetly sniffed themselves to see if they smelt like sex then nobody has to know.

"Yes we did, but I take full responsibility for it. Hearing him confess his love to me just made me so horny." Niall tells him and the therapist found enough inner strength to not let out a laugh at that.

"That's perfect." He states and Harry starts to think that he may have finally lost it.

"I'm sorry but isn't the goal of this is to get us to stop having sex so much?" Harry asks, making sure that the word stop is emphasized.

"Yes but from what you guys told me you usually have sex to get rid of the boredom or so you won't get bored. You guys are having sex now with more of a meaning behind it." He explains and the couple look at each other before looking at him.

He knows all of this because his private sessions with Niall had gave him so more information to help them. Their conversations usually dealt with what happens right before they have sex, what happens during, and what happens after it. Though what information he is given deals with Niall's perception and actions of it, it was enough to understand them as a whole. That doesn't mean he still won't have that conversation with Harry as well to confirm his conclusions and potentially build on them. Additionally, he still wants to help them manage or overcome their disorders. This is a lot for him to handle, well it has always been a lot for him to handle, and he wants them to have his undivided attention. He's never been more grateful that he doesn't have much patients at the moment.

"You guys are improving every time I see you." He states and though he makes them sound like children they don't mind it.

"Well that explains a lot." Harry mumbles to himself but doesn't realize how loud he was.

"Like what?" He questions and green eyes look at him quickly while growing wide.

"Oh, I uh use to have outbursts or uh episodes I guess at or with Niall." Harry confesses, picking at his nails.

"Could I get some examples from that?" He asks and Harry realizes how much of an asshole he sounds when he speaks next.

"I had a dream he died, I've had multiple moments where I got overwhelmed with what he was saying to me and snapped at him, etc. I promise I haven't done those in a while though." Harry explains before nipping at his bottom lip.

"That's alright. You recognized your mistakes and understand them and are trying to get better." He reassures him and that gets him to stop his nipping.

Hearing that actually makes Harry feels good on the inside. He thinks that maybe his trauma will leave him a lot quicker now. After his incident, it was really hard for him to experience genuine happiness. A lot of the times he had to force it out of himself or pretend to feel it. Even then, it use to be very short lived. He can count on one hand how many times he has felt genuinely happy in his life. He felt anger and sadness a lot more than happiness. For the most part though, he had felt nothing and he was okay with that. He wanted that to last forever if it meant not going though everything else. There is a slight smile on his face from it and both males in the room with him catches it. They love seeing this new side to him. It isn't really different from the old him but this time he can express himself much more freely and live a lot more happier.

"It won't be long before this couple session is less frequent then it won't be needed at all." Dr.Malik states and feels a little sad after saying that.

"That makes me sad because you're a wonderful therapist." Niall replies, hoping that moment doesn't come too soon.

"Eh not really. He just wants to see us have sex." Harry jokes before sticking his tongue out at him.

"I know that's just your way of saying you'll miss me too Harry." He responds with a chuckle afterwards.

"That's not what I was saying at all." Harry jokes and the older male pretends to go along with it.

"I think you guys are ready for the next step." He says not wanting to get too side tracked since they lost a few precious minutes.

"Please don't say we can't have sex at all for a while." Harry pleads and they both tense up when he takes a minute to speak.

"No no. I just want you guys to introduce each other to the other's family or closest friends to get a better feel of each others lives even more." He informs and they both sigh in relief.

"I would love to meet your family." Niall tells him, not wanting to think about the fact that he doesn't have anyone to introduce his boyfriend to.

"I can introduce them to you tomorrow if you want." Harry replies and their therapist can almost cry with how natural their conversation is flowing.

"Tomorrow it is then." Niall responds as smiles at him and pats his knee.

Harry is a bit nervous to do this but he's still going to go through with it. He just doesn't know how his family will respond or act to his lover. The last thing he needs is them not liking someone as sweet as Niall. They may end up liking him more than him in the end. Additionally, he doesn't want Niall to not like his family either. He doubts that will be the outcome though since it is hard for his lover to not like someone. Now he wonders what he should wear or what Niall should wear when they meet them. Should they match? Should they wear causal clothes? Comfortable? Fancy? Should they meet at their place or at a restaurant? Niall, on the other hand, is so excited to meet them. He wants all the embarrassing stories about his boyfriend. Also, he just wants a place to call home and feel part of a bigger family.

"Not to bring the mood down but I would like to talk about the effect Elijah has on you." Dr.Malik says, pulling them out of their thoughts.

"His effect isn't as big as it use to be. There are times when I would hesitate when giving affection or receiving it or my mind would tell me to pull away but I still follow through with it." Harry explains with the mood of the room definitely changing.

"That's great but if someone happens to sound or look like him would you be able to handle it?" Dr.Malik questions and Harry finds it insane how he acts questions that relate directly to something that happened to him.

"No, I saw someone who looked like him after leaving our date and I froze up. I don't know what I would have done if it was actually him." He confesses, playing with his bottom lip while in thought.

"I would say that he still has a major effect on you and that's okay because you're still making progress." Dr.Malik informs and Harry tries not to let it defeat him.

"What makes you say that?" He asks, leaning his head to the side just the slightest.

"I believe until you're able to not avoid or hesitate with affection, see or hear someone like him, and handle his name being mentioned without tensing up or getting angry then you'll be a lot better." Dr.Malik answers, watching him reach to grab Niall's hand and intertwine their fingers.

"That shouldn't be too hard." He says while his lover stare at their intertwine hands with wide blue eyes.

"Now that that is out of the way, I would like for us to use the remaining time to have you guys reveal some more details about yourselves to each other." Dr.Malik instructs and the couple have never been more grateful for a change in topic.




Thoughts??? Predictions??? August been a busy month for me sorry sorry. Things should be smoother now. 🤗

Bye my Thin White Lies.

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