Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

*Author's P.O.V*

The couple enters the office while laughing about the car incident that took place yesterday. They feel like such high schoolers that keeps laughing when they are suppose to be quiet. To everyone else, that incident probably wouldn't be the slightest bit funny. Everyone else can suck it because they do and that's all that matters in the end. Niall has his arm wrap around his boyfriend's shoulder to keep himself from doubling over in laughter. Harry is trying his best to shush him by placing his index finger against his lips. The moment is so pure that Dr.Malik wishes he was in on the joke. He doesn't want to interrupt them because he wants to continue seeing them being this close. From an outsiders point of view, they look like a regular couple. It's when they open their mouth that people can tell they are not. Unfortunately the wholesome moment comes to an end when they take their seats.

"Are you going to make us confess to childhood trauma that we don't have?" Harry asks, the tornado increasing it's size by hundreds before attacking a city.

"Usually people who tell me that they don't have childhood trauma end up having it." Dr.Malik answers and Harry bites his tongue to stop himself from cursing him out.

"My parents split after they had me if you must know." He replies and their therapist tries not to showcase his surprise at that abrupt confession.

"What caused the split?" Dr.Malik questions, seeing Niall practically itching to comfort his boyfriend.

"They realized soulmates, love, marriage, and all that other stuff is a load of crap." He states as if he's reading from a script.

"You have to realize that parents are still figuring things out and sometimes they do or say some things in the moment." Dr.Malik tries to reassure him, seeing his partner slouch in his seat all of a sudden.

"They were right though. People are just too afraid to admit they will end up alone in the end. It's pitiful." He says and Dr.Malik takes note of the sudden sad shade of blue.

"Well let's just take a de-" Dr.Malik, motioning for him to do so but he simply ignores him.

"They thought by having my sister that they were experiencing true love but then more problems surfaced and they thought having another child out of "love" would fix it." He explains and one would think that he's angry at his parents but he isn't.

"But that's just from their experience." Dr.Malik says, hoping that statement doesn't make him close up.

"I've seen it from everyone I know, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents, friends, and so on. None of their relationships lasted and just like them mine won't either and I'm okay with that because they prepared me for that." He informs and the doctor pats himself for his conclusion being true.

"Is that why you don't make an effort in this relationship?" Dr.Malik questions, hoping that didn't come off too harsh.

"My effort is sex and nothing more. He doesn't need me to feed him sliced fruits, cuddle with him while watching his favorite show, and let him spoil me and fill my head with bullshit." He tells him, his trembling hands hidden by his crossed arms.

"Are you talking from personal experience?" Dr.Malik asks, seeing the way his eyes appear distant for a brief moment then focusing back in.

"Niall is right there. Ask him some questions for once." He says, knocking his knee against his lover's to get him to talk.

In that moment, Dr.Malik knows that he's done with participating for the remainder of the session. That doesn't change the fact that he's surprised that he got him to open up so fast and for so long. People like Harry take months to open up about something like that. Then again, he is still closed off about one more thing. He thinks that it may be the cherry on top for him turning out this way. He wonders how long it'll take for him to open up about that. Judging by Harry's behavior, it was someone he was very close to. For now he wants to focus on the parent trauma. That, on its own, is a tough situation to overcome. From the moment he hit the age to understand concepts, he was taught to commit to not being in a relationship or anything remotely close to it because it was seen as a waste of time. It doesn't help that his sister taught him that sex is what really matters in his teen years. He makes a mental promise to Harry that he will help him to the point where he tells him thank you.

Just as he looks at Niall to ask him a question, he stops himself. He's never seen someone look so hurt in his entire life. That's a huge accomplishment, even though it shouldn't be, since he deals with a lot of hurt people in his life. It makes him feel so bad and he wasn't even the one to make him feel that way. This is definitely not the time to ask him to open up about anything. He doesn't want to induce a panic or anxiety attack. He mentally prays for Harry to notice so he can hug him or do something that will make him feel better. Then again, he knows it won't happen since Harry just stated he doesn't give affection in any form. He can't hug Niall himself because he doesn't want Harry to think that he is his favorite or that he doesn't care about him as well. All he can do is send him a sympathetic smile.

"Tell me some things about the last date." Dr.Malik encourages, closing his notebook and folding his hands on top of it to appear more inviting.

"We wrestled each other in the water for a bit, gave each other a favor in the car, and ordered some takeout that we both like." He confesses, hesitant on sparing his boyfriend a glance or not.

"Sounds like a great date." Dr.Malik tells him, snapping his attention back."Anything else?"

"I ran into an old friend from high school. We had caught up with each other and plan on doing something in the future." He explains, fixing his slouched figure a bit.

"That's spectacular. I would like for you to tell me the details of that after it happens." Dr.Malik replies and in return he gets a very lack luster thumbs up.

Harry practically jumps out of his seat once his phone dings. He retrieves it while getting off the couch. He doesn't spare his lover or the therapist a glance as he heads out the room. Though Dr.Malik would very much prefer for him to stay until the session is over, he let's him leave. He can see that he needs to go. He'll just question him about that in the future. For now, he uses the remaining minutes to get more details about Niall's friend. Once the session comes to an end, Niall gets up from his seat and shakes the therapist's hand. The shake isn't as firm as it normally would be and Dr.Malik knows that he can't let him leave feeling so bad about himself. In this moment, he's grateful that they are the last people that he has to see for today. That gives him some extra time to talk to them a little bit when he wants to.

"Don't let anything he said get you down. He's just expressing himself to me in the best way that he can." Dr.Malik explains, reaching out to grab his shoulder before he turned around to leave.

"But-" He goes to say but stops when Dr.Malik wags his index finger at him.

"Don't stop being his anchor because you're helping him in more ways than one. Though you may not notice, he's your anchor too." Dr.Malik tells him, seeing the hurt puppy look leaving his face slightly."I hope both of you guys mood are lifted before this day ends."

"Thanks. I'll do my best." He says, then leaving the room to see his boyfriend nowhere in sight.




Predictions??? This entire story is dedicated to British-1D-Irish

Bye my Points Of Authority.

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