Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

*Author's P.O.V*

It is a sunny new day when the couple are preparing for the day. Their session had been cancelled toady due to Dr.Malik needing to take care of an emergency matter. The two hope whatever it was didn't happen to be too serious. Though they give him a very hard time ninety percent of the time, they really do care for him. Yes that actually includes Harry. Currently, Niall is standing in front of the body mirror in their bedroom as he puts on his work shirt. His boyfriend enters the room after collecting the mail, ready to cause some mischief as usual. He goes to stand behind him and watches him in the mirror. In that moment, he takes the time to actually study his features and his movements. This happens once every month. Whenever he sees him totally concentrated on something, he would just watch him and pick up on little things about him. It usually hit like an urge. He would never really intend to do that. He can't say he hates it though.

"I love a man in uniform." Harry says, watching his lover carefully fix his hair.

"So another guy in uniform will turn you on huh?" He asks, turning around to look at him with a fake look of disgust.

"No you cheeseball. I only like you in uniform." Harry answers, playfully hitting him in the stomach.

"I just might fuck you in this one day." He states, grabbing his waist and pulling him close to kiss him.

"Might?" Harry questions, rubbing at his beard softly.

"I will." He replies as he leans into his touch, causing him smile.

"I'll be waiting." Harry responds, sticking out his tongue so the tip of it touches his nose.

Niall backs away from him at the contact but doesn't make a effort to wipe the small bit of saliva off his nose. The fake disgusted look on his face causes his boyfriend to laugh loudly. Once that's over, things change. Drastic. In that moment of silence, his phone rings. The call is answered quickly, seeing as it is related to work, and shortly after terrible news hit his ears. The news resulted in him responding in short and stuttering sentences. Once he ends the call, tears start to appear in his eyes that are still trained on his phone. They sit for a bit but then fall when he shakily inhales. It took everything in his power not to throw his phone across the room with every bit of strength he has. Man did his heart hurt right now. This is the type of pain he was suppose to feel when his father died or when his mother completely forgot him. Then again, his relationship with his parents was horrible so this was the next best thing.

"What? What happened?" Harry asks, watching him pocket his phone as he chokes back a cry.

"Judy had passed away. She died from a seizure in her sleep." He informs, some of his tears falling into his mouth.

"I'm sorry to hear that lovebird." Harry replies, trying his best not to make this awkward but comforting someone while they are grieving is not his strong suit.

"She died because I was here talking to you when I should have been left! I would have been able to catch it and help her!" He yells, his face scrunching up with anger.

"I didn't mean to make you stay here." Harry states, the tornado resting on top of a ready to go earthquake.

"You don't mean to do a lot of things." He says, his voice dropping to a tone Harry has never heard before.

"I don't get where this is coming from all of a sudden." Harry responds, realizing this is the first time he's ever blew up at him.

"And I don't get how hard it is for you to love me!" He shouts, the earthquake feeling as if it got injected with a godly amount of power.

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