Surprise, Surprise

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I get down low and with a swing of my knife I cut two knees. I cut deep, blood starts coming out. One more man falls to the grown moaning in pain. Not only did it hurt but the wounds will stop him from getting up, for now. I don't have time to even think before another man covered in black attacks me.

We've gotten separated. At least, five men are between me and everybody else. I don't like it. They know us, they know our skills. They way they've know how to attack us, separately. 

Gunshots. Finally! I know the gunshots are coming from the lake, from David, Sydney and Kate because the group of men that are attacking us right now haven't used guns. Even though they all have guns they've only been using knives and other close combat weapons. It's clear they have specific orders. They want us alive. 

I don't like this.

I punch one in the chest and as he bends down in pain I grab his head with my two hands and push his head down towards my up-going knee. It crashes directly with his face. And he goes down without a sound. I hate to say this but I like one thing about this attack. And that is the adrenaline of the fight, a fight against the odds. The pure adrenaline is amazing and I can't help but smile as the next one goes down, hard.

I finally see a an opening when another one falls. I see Nadel back to back with Mich and they are having a hard time. I slowly make my way to them. I see a man pull out a hammer and close in on them both from behind. I see him lift the hammer and aim it at Mich. I think nothing. All my animal instincts kick in.

Anger starts boiling in my body. Like a shadow I appear between the man and Mich. He is surprised to see me, he jumps backwards a bit. In the background, not really paying attention, I hear Nadel growl.

I let the man make the first move. He brings down his hammer upon me. With my right hand I push his to the side. I kick his ribs, it makes him stagger to the left. I bet I broke at least to ribs. I recognize this man's pride as he comes back for round two. But it was a bad choice. He tries to hit me with his hammer again. I move to the left avoiding his hammer. But this time he thinks one step further and tries to punch me with his left hand.

I stop it with my left hand. This dude had no power, against somebody else he probably would have won but against me, he is as strong as a small child. Too bad from him.

I punch him. A clean hit and he goes down. No time for words just a simple nod from Mich is all I need to understand that he is alright. I continue fighting. 

I don't know how long I've been fighting, I don't know how many I've taken down, I don't know how many scratches I have already and I don't know how many are left. You lose sense of time and everything slowly becomes a blur. 

I spin around so I can take a good look at my surroundings. I notice all of my friends still fighting, some have larger wounds than others, but for now we can't worry about that. The good thing is that they are still alive and kicking. I don't know how I'd react if one of them gets too badly hurt, worst case scenario they die. I'd lose control. And God, control is hard to achieve. 

That's when I hear it. That voice. That horrible voice I will never forget. 

He laughs, not loudly, just enough so both friend and foe could hear. Everybody stops fighting, because they feel it. They feel the killing intent in his voice. My whole body tenses up, all the hairs on my body stand up. A cold shiver runs through my body. 

He is the man pulling the strings. 

All my worst fears are coming true. He was always after us and finally found us. Right now, there is no where else to hide and I can't run away now. It's too late. 

The soldiers, that were a mess seconds before, take up formation as a circle and surround us completely. Nadel breaths heavily, Mich falls to the ground exhausted and Sokaku, Paul and I stand looking in the same direction. We look at the shadows that hide the man behind all of this. 

The eyes are the first thing I see. Those bright red orbs I could never forget. And that long red hair, like blood. He looks exactly the same as I remember the only difference being the clothes he is wearing now. He is wearing a black suit with a gray vest and tie. 

"What do we have here?" I see Celsius smile as he sees us ten feet away from him. Anger boils up inside of me and the only thing that stops me from going all monster on his ass is the man next to him.

Alex Walker. 

Alex is standing casually next to Celsius as if it was the most normal thing to do. Now, everything goes into place. The reason why the soldiers knew our way of fighting and the special formation they had. Alex has been passing all our information to Celsius, to the man pulling the strings! That's how they knew where we were...all this time it was always Alex. 

"Good, now everybody has joined the party." Celsius and his devilish smile look farther behind us. It makes me look behind me and I'm surprised to see Kate, Sydney and David being pushed by more men covered in black. They had they're hands tied up in front of them with small, tight, dark rope. 

"Kara..." Sokaku whispers next to me. I understand what he meant. In other words 'we are fucked'. But I won't give up, I can't. I have to think of a way to get out of this. But how? We are surrounded and they have hostages. Doesn't matter what move I play out in my head something goes wrong. God dammit! There just has to be a way. 

"There is no way out of this." The creepy voice of Celsius lingers in my ears. It's like he can read my mind. 

"Relax, breath and think." I speak to myself in my head. "Just breath." 

Celsius laughs again this time harder and louder. He is laughing at us. At how dire our situation is and he is enjoying it. 

I want to rip his throat off.   

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