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I woke up to find a blanket over my shoulder. At first, I was scared not knowing were I was and how I got here. But then I remembered.

The reality of me telling Sokaku hit me, hard. He is now in danger.

What if something happens to him? I could never live with myself.

"You awake?" Sokaku's voice could be heard from the kitchen. He's making breakfast. I could smell eggs and beacon and a little toast on the side.

I follow the smell to the source and see the beacon going directly for it. Sokaku stops me just in time, slapping my hand away.

"Wait until it's finished." He says. I give him my very best doggy face. As fast as lighting I grab a piece of beacon. I am now the happiest person alive.

"Hey!" He retorts.

"You got distracted." I tell him. I start to laugh, he joins me after a moment. He puts a plate with a lot of beacon in front of me. It's delicious, crunchy but not burnt, just right. Sokaku knows how to make beacon.

When I was a little girl I discovered my love for meat, I mean how can you not like it? I finished eating in a couple of minutes, I am fast when it came to meat.

"Where's Mich?" I asked. I hadn't seen him since last night.

"He is outside with everyone." He says, with a smirk on his face. I am the last to wake up. I must have been tired.

I follow Sokaku outside and find them playing capture the flag.

Alex is sitting on a chair looking at them run, he takes a sip from his drink, he looks relaxed. David on the other hand looks distracted, he isn't even looking at the game, but at the lake instead.

Mich is running trying to catch Paul but Paul is feet away.

Sokaku and I walk closer to where Alex and David are sitting, a good 10 feet from the cabin. Both of them say good morning when they see us.

"Whose winning?" I ask.

"Nadel and Paul are winning by one point, if they score one more they'll win the game." Says Alex.

"There goes Paul." David says with a smile.

Paul is running fast, nobody is catching up to him. He dodges Sidney's hand and passes the line, scoring one more point and winning the game.

"Well done, everyone." Alex smiles.

Everyone iss breathing heavy, everyone except Paul. David stands up.

"Good! Let's go, I want to jump in the water!" David stretches from side to side.

"Let's go swimming!" Kate says with a smile.

"I'll go with you guys." Sydney says.

The three of them walk over to the lake, take there cloths off leaving only swim suits on. They jump in the water and we lose sight of them as they swim underwater.

"Can David swim with his arm like that?" Sokaku asks.

"Don't worry about him. The water will help him heal." Nadel says.

"The water will help him heal?" Sokaku looks at him with curiosity.  He doesn't understand what they mean. "You know what, I don't want to know." He shakes his head with a faint smile. He let himself fall to the ground and starts playing with grass, for some reason grass is now super interesting. I guess he still doesn't believe in this.

"Anyway..." Alex continues. He had an amused look in his eyes. "Mich you want to know which animal you have?" He asks catching the attention of Micheal.

"Yes!" Mich says.

"How?" I ask, I didn't know you could find out right away. I realized it a couple of weeks after I got the tattoo.

"It's a test, nothing dangerous." Nadel says. "A small test that is divided in three parts. The first one" Alex takes a sip from his drink. "is to find out which is your element. If your element is air then your a bird, like me, but if your element is water then you could be a fish or-"

"A fish, really?" Mich said, interrupting Alex.

Alex continued as if he didn't hear him.

"You could also be a dolphin or any other animal that lives in the water. If your element is earth then you could be a tiger or any other animal that-"

"That lives on earth, I get it." Mich interrupts him again. Alex takes a deep breath trying to calm himself down, Mich is getting to him.

"Very well, let's begin." Alex stands up and walks into the forest, he signals us to follow him, we do. Nadel, Paul, Sokaku, Mich and I follow Alex into the forest until he stops in front of a big tree.

No, the word big is too small for this tree. This tree is gigantic, it's at least 50 feet tall and branches out at the top.

Alex turns to look at us. "This is were will see if you element is air. You and I will fly to the top of the tree. Okay?" He says. We nod, understanding.

Alex walks behind Mich and holds on to him. His eyes turn yellow and two long , wide gray wings spread out behind him.

I feel a powerful wind and have to close my eyes because of it. When I open my eyes again, Alex and Mich are already flying to the top, seconds after they stop at a wide branch, in which they could both stand.

I don't see much after that and it is driving me crazy. "Nadel, what are they doing up there?" I ask. He turns to look at me with a smirk on his face.

"You should know, didn't you do this with your parents?" He asks. I was about to punch him in the face if it wasn't for Sokaku. "He is not worth it.You should know how to control your emotions." He says in a fluent Japanese.

"Your the one that's talking, what about last night?" I answer in Japanese. 

"Okay, your right. Both of us should control our emotions better, we are after all Sensei's disciples." He says in Japanese. He's right, if Sensei was here he would tell us to never let our emotions get the better of us. I shiver just thinking about how Sensei would react to this.

"Are you guys speaking Chinese?" Nadel ask, curiously.

"T-they are speaking in J-Japanese." Paul says quietly. Paul pulls up his scarf so that it covers completely his mouth.

"What are they doing up there?" I finally ask.

"Alex is just asking him how he feels up there, if he feels good or comfortable then it's a good chance his element is air." Nadel explains.

After a while I look up and see how Alex and Mich fly down. They land with a thud. Alex's wings disappear and his eyes turn back to normal.

"So?" I ask.

"My element is not air, definitely not air" Mich says. He shivers.

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