Let It Burn

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I turn around to see Alex come out of the cabin he almost trips on the steps because he's so concentrated on the burning van. I'm standing with my back to the cabin and Sokaku's on my left. Mich is standing behind Sokaku. David, Kate and Sidney have been laughing around in the water when they heard the explosion. They are right now running towards us.

"What the hell happened?" David asks. It surprises me that for some reason he's asking me.

"I don't know, I was in my room when it exploded." I say.

"Why did it explode?" Sidney asks loudly with curiosity.

"I don't know" I say.

There is silence, everybody in there own thoughts. We don't move to stop the fire, it's already too late there is nothing we can save.

"Where's Nadel?" Paul asks.

He surprises us all, nobody noticed Paul was here in the first place.

"How long have you been here?" Mich asks.

"For a c-couple of minutes-s" He stutters.

"It's not important. Where is Nadel?" Sidney asks. "Has anyone seen him?" She keeps going. Nobody answers.

"He wasn't with us, was he with you guys?" Kate asks.

"He wasn't." Sokaku says.

"He wasn't with me." Alex says.

"Help me!" We hear somebody scream. Our heads turn in the direction it's coming from. The forest.

I'm already running towards it before anybody could react. It was Nadel who screamed. He's covered in blood and can barely stand. I grab him as he falls. David helps me carry him to the cabin. Sidney clears the kitchen table so we can put him there. 

"We need towels! And water!" I yell. Sokaku and Mich leave to get the things. "David go get the first aid kit from the living room!" Sidney says. Without a word David leaves the room.

Nadel is gasping because of the pain.

"Kar-a it was-" He tries to say but I stop him. 

"Don't talk just relax everything will be okay." I whisper quietly.

I see doubt in his eyes, he doesn't believe me. I will prove him wrong.

"Do you know what your doing?" Sidney asks me.

"Hell yeah. You?" I say with a smile.

"The basics." She says. I nod.

David comes in with the first aid kit and he puts it on the table next to me. We get to work. Sokaku comes in with a bowl of water and Mich does too seconds later with the towels.

I rip Nadel's shirt and Sidney starts cleaning the blood so we can see where the wounds are. It isn't as bad as I thought, most of the blood is coming from his face and the rest are from two stab wounds in his stomach.

From the first aid kit I take out the things I thought we will be needing.

I start with trying to find if there are somethings left in the wounds, happy that I find nothing, I start to repair all the damaged tissue. Sidney is there the whole time just in case he starts bleeding again, but also to hold him down as I sow him up, we have no morphine. Then we cover his stomach with a bandage.

"That'll have to do for now." I say wiping the sweat off my face. Sidney looks just as tired, she sits down on the closest chair she can find.

"That was amazing, you were amazing I couldn't have done that in a million years." She says. I pour water in a glass and gave it to her, she's exhausted. 

"Thank you." She takes it with trembling hands. I kneel in front of her.

"Relax you did great. He is going to be alright you did all you had to do." I tell her looking into her eyes. She gives me a weak smile.

"I normally don't show anybody my weak side." She gives me half a smile.

"Your secret is safe with me." I say with a big smile. 

Sokaku walks into the kitchen, he's gasping for air as if he's run a marathon. 

"Kara! We found a person in the woods, he was already dead when we found him. I think he was the one that Nadel fought." He tells me.

I follow him out of the cabin and into the woods. Alex and David are already there looking down at a body. I kneel down to inspect the corpse. He's a man in between 20 - 30 years old. He has messy blond hair and is sprawled face up on the ground. He's covered in blood and dirt. But the blood isn't bothering me, I've seen a lot of blood in the past three years.

The missing leg and chunk of skin that looks like it was bitten off. That is bothering me.

"We think he was attacked by an animal." David says.

It's true, he was attacked by an animal, that's why he died. "But something wrong, he has other wounds that couldn't have been cause by an animal. I think he fought Nadel, but I'm not sure." I'm looking for the weapon he used to stab Nadel.

I stand up and start looking around, I wouldn't have seen it if I hadn't almost tripped because of it. It's a knife, covered in blood, Nadel's blood I bet. 

"Here is the knife he used to stab Nadel." I say.

"But what about the animal that took his leg off? You don't think it was Nadel, do you?" David asks me.

"Maybe, we'll have to wait until Nadel wakes up." I say.

The whole time Alex doesn't say anything.

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