Strong Fighter

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Once I hear him talk I let go of his neck and arms. I stand up and cross my arms. Mich moves into a sitting position and rubs his neck, but  seconds later he looks down at himself and smiles. A huge smile on his face. He jumps on his feet and moves every part of his body, moving his arms up and down to see if they are really his. He does the same with his legs, face and feet.

"Look at me! Kara! This is so cool!" He says. He does a couple of twists but that only makes his smile grow bigger and bigger and seeing him smile I can't help but smile, too. 

"How do you feel?" I ask him. He stops moving and looks at his hands. 

"I feel...strong." He says. I smile even more because that's good, if he didn't feel the energy flowing through him then that would be a reason to worry.

"I'm proud of you, you got control sooner then I expected. Faster than I've ever seen anyone get control." I say proudly. He smiles at me.

He stops smiling for a moment and I see a frown start to form on his face. 

"Kara? How long does a transformation last? And what animal am I? I'm not sure." He says doubtfully. I start to laugh and because of it my stomach hurts. Mich is just looking at me like I am crazy. 

"I'm sorry, it's just that your worried about little things." I say. He crosses his arms and lifts his eyebrows as a question.

"You already have control of the animal spirit so technically you can transform at will." I say. "Close your eyes."

He closes his eyes and take a deep breath. Slowly his hair starts to get shorter, his hooves change back to his feet and toes, the hair covering his body disappears and his horns resides back into his head. When he opens his eyes I don't see those bright green eyes, I see those hazel brown eyes I have known all my life. From the moment he was born, to this day.

I'm glad I was able to get some sense into him, because who knows what could have happened. Mich looks strong, he has a strong transformation. The stronger the transformation the harder it is to get control over it. Even though it took hours I'm still very happy.

I put my arm over his shoulder and I play with his messy hair. "Come on let's go back." I say with a smile. We start to walk back to the cabin. Mich doesn't need a flashlight anymore he can now see in the night like me.

"I'll let you rest for tonight but tomorrow you will start your real training, so don't get comfy, my little deer." I say happily. I am going to have so much fun.

"Do I have to train with you and with Sokaku?" He asks. I smile. "You've got to be kidding me! One training is already horribly hard."

"The training you are doing with Sokaku is for martial arts and other stuff he thinks is important you should learn! I will teach you every thing I know about transformations and how to have great control." I try to say calmly.

"But I already have good control!" He tries to protest. "Didn't you just see it."

"Do you have such a good control that you can transform as long as you want or just a part of your body?" I ask. 

"No...I don't but still-" He tries to explain but I cut him off.

"So it's settled!" I say. I mess his hair once more and he frowns because of it. I t makes him feel young. He pushes me away and says. 

"I am a powerful deer so stop touching my hair!" He says proudly.

I get closer to him and hug him so he can't run away. I start messing with his hair a lot. "You might be a deer but your not strong! Mich never, and I mean never overestimate yourself, got it?" I mess with his hair one last time before I let him go. He runs his hand through his hair trying to make it look less of a mess, it doesn't really work. 

"Why not? I want to be respected as a strong fighter!" He says making a fist with his left hand.

"If you are a strong fighter than there's no reason to say it, but if you showoff nobody will take you seriously." I say. He stays silent after that.

He is already yawning when he opens his bedroom door and says good night before letting himself fall on his bed. The moment his head touches the bed he falls asleep. He is really tired. I bet he doesn't even realize how tired he was until he finally relaxed his muscles.

I don't go into my own room, I walk downstairs and finally get myself something to eat. I'm still chewing bread when I stare at Alex while he was sleeping. I'm still trying to figure him out. Friend or foe? Does he know who the man pulling the strings is? I bet he does, but I don't know if he is a friend or is he against that man. What has David to do with this? Is he also working for that man?

I have to find out quick.

At least I know that Alex isn't very strong. His transformation is weak. But his transformation is the only one I have seen. Could it be that the others have a stronger transformation? Maybe one or two of them have strong ones. But something is clear, some of them really hate the man pulling the strings. Like Paul and Kate. They're young, too, they probably don't have really good control over they're transformation.

What about Nadel and Sidney? I don't know. I hate not knowing. I'll have to figure it out tomorrow.

I keep staring at Alex and while I stare at him a small smile creeps into my lips. I form a plan. Tomorrow is really going to be so much fun.

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