Growls, Screams and Blood

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"So you always saw what I was doing? All the time? You know like when I was in the bathroom...?" I can't help but ask him. I shiver with the thought. I have never had any privacy. He was always there, looking and watching over what I did and how I lived my life. Imagine all the times I was crying and broken. Those moments when you just need to get away from everyone and be alone, I have never had those moments. All my secrets, he knows them. 

I have no privacy when it comes to him, yet that also means I have never been alone.

"You know the answer already, little one." He tells me and I hear him laugh? I smile because of it. 

We are bonding. I'm bonding with the dark demon inside of me and I like it. Even if he is a demon or a monster, whatever you want to call him, he is me and I am him. So, in that sense you can call me a demon or a monster, too.

And do you realize how cool that is? Come on, demons and monsters are always incredibly strong. That just shows you how strong we are.

"What is this place?" I ask him. 

"It is the deepest level of your subconscious." Adara explains. 

"Why is it so ugly? I thought my subconscious was supposed to show my true self...this is it?" I ask him quite disappointed.

He laughs. "It is true that your subconscious is a place were your self has its purest form. However, this place is the place you locked me up to gain control over your transformation. This place is the darkest corner of your being." He tells me without any emotion. I know that he used to be angry at me because I sent him here but he doesn't feel that way anymore. 

"My darkest corner, huh? How can I change this place?" I ask him.

"You can not. It is impossible to take away all the darkness inside of you. You have both good and evil, that is nature. But you can take us somewhere else, if you wish it." He tells me. 

"Well, I never said I was good." I shrug, I can't do anything about it so I might as well accept it. "How do I just wish it?" I ask him. 

"The hardest part is opening the door to your subconscious, you have already done that, little one. Now, you just have to use your will to move around freely." Adara says. 

My will...okay what the hell is that? I think he means like my spirit or something like that? Okay, I can't get too lost trying to figure this thing out. I just have to want it, right? 

"How do I do this?" I ask him, losing hope. 

"Close your eyes, little one, and try to imagine the place you want to be right now." He tells me. 

I want to go somewhere better, somewhere where Adara will be happy. Yeah, that's all I want. 

Nothing happens, I try repeating it over and over again 'Somewhere where Adara will be happy', yet nothing.

"Open your eyes, little one." I hear Adara's voice.  

I am blinded by light, it takes me a second for my eyes to adjust and when they do I am amazed. Actually, beyond amazed. A clear sky spreads over our heads in every direction and it seems like it will never end. We are standing on top of a cliff, looking down at an immense forest that stretches out over the horizon. I wide river runs through it. All types of trees with all types of sizes can be found in this forest and not just the trees, but all animals are here, too. I see flocks of birds flying in the sky. I hear tigers growling, some lions, too, wolfs howling, birds chirping, insects buzzing and it just went on like that. The whole forest was making so much noise. 

A strong wind hits us from behind. My hair moves with the wind as does Adara's. 

It's hard to turn my eyes away from the impressive view. I see Adara, eyes wide still trying to take everything in. A huge smile makes its way to my face. 

I feel it, I feel his happiness. This is what he has always wanted. He is a wolf, yet he has never felt the earth beneath his paws or the wind through his fur. He has never run at full speed through a forest. I mean, he has of course. When I transformed he would feel those things but not truly. Not for himself.

"Yeah, this place is perfect." I say. 

That's when I hear it, his howl. He howls at the top of his lungs. It is so powerful. It vibrates through the whole forest, the trees and the sky. All the animals shut up. 

I feel all his pain, his sadness, his anger, his excitement and his happiness. He let it all go. The fire surrounding him grows and covers us both, but I don't mind. I feel the warmth of his flames and once again I am relaxed. I feel all his strength flow through me. I thought I knew the full extent of his abilities but how was wrong. Even if he is only howling, it is a lot stronger than I ever thought possible.

Adara is truly amazing.

He slowly stops and his flames disappear inside of his body. The howling has stopped but you still feel the vibrations left behind in the ground. 

"That was incredible!" I say with excitement.    

Adara laughs with pride. "Thank you, little one." He says with a smile. 

"This place is yours now." I tell him. 

In the background I hear a muffled scream, far away. I turn around and as expected nothing is there. I could have sworn I heard someone scream. 

"What was that? Adara?" I ask him. I'm still looking behind me, trying to find the source of the scream.

"Even though you are here in your subconsciousness that does not mean the outside world stops turning. It was a scream from outside, little one." Adara tells me.  


He is still there, trying to convince them to go with him or has he decided to do it by force? Who screamed? 

I don't know anything expect that I need to get my butt out there. 

"How much time have a spent in here?" I ask Adara. 

"Time flows differently in here than out there. What has felt like hours here has only been a couple of minutes outside. You have not missed anything, little one." Adara explains. I feel instantly better.

In front of us many images start to appear. Adara is the one that does this, surprising the hell out of me. We both look at them and I realize that they are from the outside. I see Celsius laughing with streaks of blood on his face. I see Sokaku on the ground with his hands trying to stop the bleeding coming from his abdomen. Black men fighting Paul as he tries to protect Mich and Kate. Sydney, David and Nadel are knocked out cold next to Alex and all I see is what used to be a white shirt covered in blood, which looks like circles.

"You must go. Protect them from him or he will kill them all." He says with anger. 

I don't have to ask him how too go back, I know already. Somehow I know. The images in front of me start to blur until only darkness can be seen. I start smelling trees and blood. Almost instantly, I start hearing loud screams, laughter and growls, that are mostly coming from me. 

"You must destroy them, little one." I hear Adara's voice in my head. I smile and feel my sharp canines. 

I open my eyes. I see bodies.

Bodies covered in black clothing surround me, only a few are left. My claws rip open one of them. My bright blue eyes glance over at Paul, who is lifting his arm to stop an attack. Before the soldier even makes contact with Paul I appear before the dark man. With my right hand I rip his throat out. As he crumbles to the ground I stab another dude's armor with the claws of my left foot and at the same time I feel the insides of another man's throat with my right hand. They all fall to the ground. All the black soldiers are down. 

I turn my eyes to Celsius, who has finally stopped smiling. A growl escapes my throat. 

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