Special Training

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"Do you all get it?" I ask in hopes that nobody had questions this was, after all, this is the third time I explain how this works but nobody seems to understand. I start to explain with such high hopes of how it's going to turn out but right now I just want to start. Is that to much to ask?

"But it just doesn't make any sense!" Nadel says.

Sokaku starts to laugh even harder when he hears Nadel say for the third time that it didn't make any sense. Sokaku is just making fun of me, he's sitting next to a tree with his back to it. He looks so relaxed.

He is so dead.

"W-wait I think I g-get it, we just have to t-transform and try to l-last as long as w-we can, right?" Paul stutters.

"Yeah, exactly!" I say. My hopes getting higher. I wouldn't think it from looking at Paul but he is actually pretty smart.

"Okay that shouldn't be so hard." Nadel says. Oh, say when Paul explains it they do understand.

I smirk. "There is one thing Paul forgot, you can only transform your hand. That way if you have a water animal you won't need water." I say and turn to look at David, Kate and Sydney.

"But how do we do that?" Sydney asks.

My hopes are gone, again. "You have to concentrate all your energy in your hand." I say. From the looks on their faces they still have no idea what I am referring to.

"When you transform you can feel this power flow through you, right?" I ask. They nod in response. "You just have to make that power flow to your hand. Get it?" I ask.

They slowly nod.

"Good, now try it." I say.

They make a half circle around me so I can see them. David lifts his hand and just keeps staring at it. No change. Sydney is next to him she put one hand on her stomach and stares at the other one. No change. Kate is holding one hand with the other. No change. Nadel's sitting on the grass, he has his eyes closed and he has his hands on his knees. Yet still no change. Paul, on the other hand, is just staring at nothing in particular and he has his arms on his sides. Still no change. Mich is standing next to Paul but he just has his eyes closed. Sadly no change.

Seeing that this is going to take some time I walk over to Sokaku. I sit next to him and sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asks with a smile on his face.

I turn to look at him even before I open my mouth to answer I freeze and just stare at his beautiful black eyes. I lose myself in those dark eyes, it seems that they could swallow me whole. In that moment the only thing I want to do is stare at those dark eyes. For some reason I can't help myself from noticing that with the sunlight they look even more darker, if that is even possible.

"Had enough?" He asks.

I have never in my life blushed before, I didn't even believe it could really happen because I've never noticed anyone blush before. Til today. Today was the day I blushed for the first time and it was because of Sokaku.

I can feel my cheeks turn red and I immediately turn away. "W-What do you mean?" I can't believe I just stuttered! What the hell is he doing to me?

"Kara, look up." I look up and see Paul with a concentrated look on his face. Sweat was dripping from his forehead. The skin on his fingers start to turn into dark green scales. Suddenly they stop and turn back to skin, Paul has lost his concentration.

I walk over to Paul, who is now kneeling and breathing heavy. "That was great." I tell him.

He just shakes his head and stands up again and tries it again. The second time it's much faster, it doesn't take that long for his skin to start changing again. I smile. It gets easier every single time until you can do it naturally.

When I look around I see Nadel's hand starting to change. His nails start to grow until they are claws and orange fur starts to grow around his fingers. The fur almost covers all his fingers when it stops and it goes back to normal.

It doesn't take long for all of them to start changing. At first they can only change the tip of their fingers two hours later they can change their fingers. They are all learning pretty quickly but I have to say that Paul is the fastest of them all, he can almost change his whole hand now.

"Stop. That's enough for today." I say loudly.

All of them are dripping sweat and David even falls on the ground from exhaustion. Seeing him fall I decide to let them take a break.

"Take a break, go drink some water and rest. The training is not over yet." I say. I hear someone say no while they are walking towards the small river. It makes me smile.

"Your being so easy on them." Sokaku says as I sit once again next to him but this time I avoid his eyes.

For some reason just sitting next to him makes my stomach flutter. I don't know why but I kind of like it. I feel at ease when I'm next to him. That's the thing that scares me, I shouldn't get used to it because what will I do if it gets to the point where I don't want to leave his side? Who knows what will happen.

"I can't help it because the training is just going to get harder and harder." I tell him.

I look up at the sun and notice that it's like three o'clock in the afternoon. If we want to make it back in time for diner we only have a couple of hours left. I stand up and the first thing I notice is that the Sokaku's warmth is gone, which I miss a lot.

"Come on! Let's start!" I yell at them. They get here and I start explaining.

"This time you will transform completely and I just want you to last as long as you can, okay?" I ask them.

Without answering me Paul just starts to transform. The others close behind. It is actually really interesting to see them transform. Even though I know a lot about who I am and my body, that doesn't mean I am used to seeing others like me. And I like how now I am the one giving the lessons.

A loud thud makes me snap back into reality. David is on the ground face up completely passed out because of exhaustion. The others lost their concentration and also stop. I cross my arms and look at the bunch of exhausted people in front of me.

"This is going to be harder than I thought." I say.  

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