Don't Fight It

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I wake up to find my room swallowed in darkness, I can see shadows on the ceiling and that scares me until I notice that  the shadows are coming from the branches from the trees outside. I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. There I see my reflection on the mirror. I know I'm tired but until this moment I didn't realize how much. It doesn't matter how much I sleep it will never be enough. I can't sleep well if I don't know, if I don't feel safe. Safe? I can't even remember being safe.

I wash my face but it doesn't really help. I can't sleep anymore, I walk out of my room and when I walk next to Mich's room I hear wincing. Without hesitating I go into his room and I find Mich on the floor shaking. I fall next to him and hold him so he could look at me. His eyes are full of fear and pain. Anger rushes through me but stops when I realize what's happening. 

"Kara? W-What's happening t-to me?" He can barely say. 

"Everything is going to be alright, this is your first transformation so it's going to hurt, it's going to really hurt. Don't fight it or it will be worse, okay?" I try to say it confidently. He nods.

I pick him up and hold him tight, afraid that because of his shaking I will drop him. I run downstairs, kick open the front door and run as fast as I can to the woods. Under the cover of the trees. I keep running until I know nobody followed us and we are as far away from the cabin as possible. I don't really want him near anybody right now. The first transformation is excruciatingly painful.

I put him down next to a tree so he can sit. That's when the screaming starts. In that moment I feel completely helpless. I can't help him, I can't stop the pain. I couldn't do anything! Just stare.

Mich with his own hands rips his tee shirt off. He's burning up, right now every inch on his body feels like they're burning. I will never forget his screams, never. He moves and I catch a glance of his tattoo. Normally his tattoo would be black as the blackest night but now, because of the transformation the black is now bright red. Like lava.

The transformation has begun.

"Don't fight it or it will just get worse!" I yell at him. Yet he is already consumed by the pain that he doesn't hear me. I can see how his hazel brown eyes turn green like the spring leafs. I can see how his feet change into hooves, how his legs grow longer. His brown messy hair grows longer till it reaches his shoulders. Brown hair is growing on his shoulders, chest, elbows and a big part of his legs.

His screaming stops and he slowly stands up, his eyes are closed and he iss breathing heavy. One last scream escaped his mouth when his horns come out. Two long and big horns come out of his messy hair. Personally I say they look like tree branches.

They are beautiful.

I don't know how long I kept staring at his horns but when I eventually look away a set of bright green eyes are looking at me. I still recognize my brother but it's still different.

He moves away from me so I'm now looking at him from the side and I cam see that the tattoo is back to black. I also find that Mich has a tail, a small yet full of hair tail. It looks like the tail of a deer.

That leaves me with no doubt what animal transformation Mich is. He's a deer. I can't help but smile.

Mich turns to look at me and stares at me for a while before he literally disappears before my eyes. I was stupid enough to get caught in the moment and get distracted. I let him get away! The first transformation is always the hardest, but the hardest part is already over. Now is just the difficult part, the part were he isn't in control of his body. Anything could happen right now. He could keep running the whole night or he could hurt himself or even hurt somebody else. 

I run after him  with all my power. This is his first time so he has a lot of power and energy stored that's just waiting to come out. I need to get on his level.

I can feel my feet getting stronger so I start to run faster and faster. Mich was a blur and now I'm catching up to him. I don't need to transform completely, I'm stronger and more experienced than Mich. I easily catch up and with one hand push him to the ground. He stands up quickly and attacks me with his horns. I take a step to the side and another to turn around. Without losing momentum I kick him hard in the stomach trying to knock him out.

I'm impressed when he stands up again, his legs are shaking and he spits blood. Yet he stands up again. I kick him to knock him out but he is still fighting. Well he is my brother after all. Mich tries to attack me again but this time I'm not taking any chances. I step to the right and the moment Mich's horns pass me I grab his neck and press down hard. He can't move because I'm stopping him. I kick his legs from under him and he falls on his knees. He tries to attack me with his left hand but with my own left hand I grab his arm.

I push him to the ground with my hands stopping him  from moving. He spits out blood, again, but I'm not worried. We heal quickly.

"Don't fight it Mich! Let all those emotions flow through you, let them go. You need to learn how to let them go, if you don't, then you will never be in control!" I say it close to his face. Mich tries to break free again but it's useless. He is strong, I'll give you that and his transformation is pretty impressive. I'm just stronger.

When it comes to transformations there is one thing you should know. We all have an animal spirit inside of us, a spirit that we are united with. How do you notice whose stronger? You can see it in they're transformation. The more they transform into animals the stronger they are. The more they look like animals the stronger they are.

"Don't fight it!" I whisper into his ear. "Let the emotions go! I can last all night like this but you can't, so let them go. Don't fight it!"

I keep telling him the same thing over and over again until hours later he stops fighting. He finally stops fighting and looks up at me with those green eyes and says.

"I heard you the first time."

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