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We left at the first light of dawn. Sokaku and I are now in the airport of Japan waiting to be let into our plain.

This morning I put on some jeans and a purple shirt, my hair is in a pony tail and I have sunglasses on.

Sokaku is wearing some jeans, a white shirt, and a black scarf. He also has sunglasses on. Sensei has shown us that the best disguise is always to hide in the crowd.

Sokaku is quiet and I am thankful for that. I am lost in my thoughts.

We arrive earlier then planed. It is noon. We take a taxi to the place where we are going to be staying for the next couple of days. It is a house Sensei rented for us.

I am surprised when I see it, it's not a house but a mansion. With a brown roof and wight walls. It has three floors and a lot of spare rooms. It also has a big garden and even a small pond right next to this huge black gate. It's a bit excessive. 

"I guess this is it." I say, grabbing my bag. Trying to hide the feeling of dread I have in my stomach. I walk through the gate and pick the first room I see.

I don't unpack, because if anything happens I have to be ready to move.

"Don't get comfy, we won't be here that long." Sokaku says while he passes through my door. He clearly doesn't want to be here.

I don't change into my full fighting gear, I still have my purple shirt and the jeans. Knives are hidden in my clothes for easy access. I undo me pony tail, letting my black hair fall on me shoulders.

I walk to the kitchen. Sokaku also changed into a gray shirt and is drinking some water. He no longer has his sunglasses on. I am sure he has knifes hidden somewhere. He puts the glass on the table and locks eyes with me.

"That took you long enough!" He says walking pass me. Without thinking or hesitating I press him to the wall. 

"You don't want to be here and I don't want you to be here. But you are here and it doesn't matter how much you blame me for it, it won't change a thing." I am calm and he notices it. "Stop acting like a little kid that needs his parents to take care of him."

I loosen my grip and he falls to the floor coughing. I turn and walk to the door. He stands up and attacks me from behind, I am ready for him. I turn around to face him and dodge his knife. I punch him in the face, not giving him time to react, I kick him in the chest and he goes flying against the wall. I leave, giving him time and space to lick his wounds and cool off, while I go looking for transport.

In the garage I find four cars, three of them sports cars with barely enough space to fit two people. The forth is a black jeep, big enough to fit six people easily. I walk over and get into the drivers seat. I find two AK-47 guns under the front seats and a hand gun under the wheel. I am inspecting the hand gun when Sokaku gets into the passengers seat next to me. I put the gun back and open the garage door with a button on the right side of the wheel. I start the jeep and put it into drive.

"You were right." Sokaku says before we leave the garage. It looks like that is the only thing he is going to say.

"Okay, let's go find my brother." I say. I drive the car out of the garage and close the garage door. I get us on the road in a few seconds. After a couple of minutes we are driving on the highway in the direction of where my brother is staying.

"So..." Sokaku finally says something. "Why is your brother getting into trouble?" He turns to look at me.

"That's what I want to find out." I say without giving him much of an answer.

"Okay... do you know where your brother is?" He turns to look out his window.

"I do. He is staying at his friend's house." I quickly explain before he asked another question.

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