Going Back

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If I go back who knows what would happen and it's been 3 years since I've seen him.

He probably doesn't even want to even see me...

I look up at the sunrise. 

It is beautiful.

The moment Sensei told me I knew one thing, that I had to go back...


Men came bursting in and surrounded my parents. I had no idea what was happening. I hide in the corner. I am afraid of what is happening, when I hear laughter coming from the door.

The man is covered in black. He has long red hair, it looks like blood. But that doesn't scare me, what really scares me are his eyes.

They are red orbs shining with a terrifying glow. The only thing you can see in them is anger and hate.

It makes me shiver.

My right shoulder starts to hurt.

"Celsius!"  My Dad says spitting out the word as if it were poison.

"Christopher...how long has it been? 14 years? Layla you look like time doesn't even affect you!"

"Get the hell out of my house!" My Mom yells.

The man looks around sniffing the air, he spots me.

Red eyes looks at me and I start to tremble. 

"Who might you be, little girl?" He walks in my direction. He tries to look at my face. I just keep my eyes concentrated on the floor. The only thing I can see is his shadow, even that is filled with hatred. 

"If you touch one hair on her head I'll kill you!" My Dad yells.

My dad starts attacking the men. He is taking two at a time. It surprises me just how fast he is.

But my mom is faster, already fighting Celsius. It looks like a one sided fight that my mom is losing. She is throwing punches. Her hand looks like a blur. Surprisingly, the man is avoiding every single one.

"Kara" my dad's voice makes me jump, he is right next to me, already finished taking the men down. He picks me up in his arms and we leave the room as fast as possible.

"What about mom?" I ask my voice cracking. "She's gonna distract him so you can run away." We reached the back door. Once outside he put me down. He goes to a tree and gets the bag that is hidden under it. He comes back with the bag and kneels in front of me.

"Kara there is money and clothes inside. There is also a bank number. In it is all our money, it will help you and your brother" He says this with a sad face. 

"Promise me that no matter what happens you will take care of yourself and your brother!"

He grabs both my arms.

"Why are you talking like I'm never going to see you again? You and mom are not going to die!" I try to say it with all the confidence that I am lacking.

He doesn't say anything, he just looks at me with those sad eyes.

I feel a shock of pain coming from my shoulder. I wince. "What's wrong?" Dad asks.

"My shoulder hurts" I say.

He grabs my shoulder and rips my sleeve so he could see my whole arm. His eyes widen in surprise.

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