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I feel my body, yet right now I'm just watching form the side lines. It's as if I'm seeing everything from a screen but I still feel everything. I feel the cold air on my skin, the ground beneath my feet, I can hear the screams and I can smell the blood. All too well.

I hear him laugh loudly inside my head. I should say 'our' head.

"Kara!" Someone screams at me, I'm not sure who. Even though I  still notice everything going on around me, that does not mean I want to take part in it. I go deeper, farther away from the noises and all my senses. I'm just floating in my subconsciousness. The deeper I go the less I care, and right now that sounds amazing.

To just be able to get away from everything. I don't feel the pressure anymore, that impending doom that slowly creeps in. The one that doesn't let you sleep at night, the one that stresses you out until you break. The pressure can come from anything, that's what's really scary, and most of the time it intends to stay.

Celsius was that pressure. The one that was always there as an unreachable splinter that's embedded in my body. And all I did was in vain. All the running and hiding, useless. All those years of worrying and trying to take precautions for what? He found us in a matter of weeks!

He was always there, I could never run fast enough much less try to protect us against him. He is too strong.

My parents died trying to stop him and look at him now...he is surrounded by a much greater and darker aura than before. He reeks of blood. Trust me, I would know.

What can I do against someone like him? What can I do against someone so powerful?

All I want to do now is to keep floating away, until I can finally rest in peace.

'He' can take control all he wants, I'm done.

"Kara!" Someone screams again, this time much louder. But I'm getting farther away and I can barely understand my name.

I'm covered in darkness. I can barely hear a few screams, but they all sound so far away. I open my eyes, but I see nothing. Nothing, nothing - nothing.

I think someone screamed again or is it just my imagination playing games with me? Do I even have an imagination?

Wait, where am I?

Ah, right. I gave up.

But why did I give up?

Yeah, yeah. It was Celsius, he was too strong for me. Nobody can stop him. I'm better here in this place where I won't be bothered by anything. Maybe, now I can sleep. Closing my eyes I take a deep breath but no air comes in or out. There is no air here. And I'm not dying, I don't need air anymore.

I can finally be at peace. I can finally sleep. I can finally stop worrying.

I can...


Who am I?

Huh? Who am I?!

I, I...I don't know.

Fear instantly covers me and I start shaking. In a matter of instants I'm covered in sweat but I feel so cold. It's so cold and I don't know who I am. Someone please! Please! Please tell me who I am! What am I doing here?!

Nobody answers, I'm alone. Nothing else but darkness and there is not an inch of light anywhere. I can't see my hands, even though I feel them in front of me. This is how it feels like, right? What does it mean to feel?

I don't know, I don't know, please. Someone tell me! Tell me who I am!

I start getting dizzy, the shock is too much for my body and I start losing consciousness. I think I feel myself slipping away. It's too hard to stay awake, the darkness is taking a hold of me.

"Wake up, little one, you can't disappear."

I only hear the voice. It's the only thing in the darkness.

"Don't let go so easily. You are stronger than that, little one."

There it is again, that deep voice. Somehow, it's calling me making me wake up. Forcing me to go near it. I move, well I think I'm moving.

"Fight it or the darkness will devour you."

It's louder, clearer and stronger, pulling me towards it now. I think I'm closer to it. I try to open my eyes and as I slowly do, blue light blinds me. It reaches the depths and surrounds me, protecting me from the darkness. The blue light is coming form up above, I stretch towards it. I hold out my hand and I don't even notice the tears running down my cheeks. I have to close my eyes because of the intensity of the light.

"Open your eyes, little one."

I see the blue light once more, this time just as bright but yet I'm not blinded by it. The origin of the light is a big, strong wolf with blue flames emitting from all over his body. I see beautiful black fur covering his entire body, except for the white stripe from his neck to the tip of his tail. He has big, completely white, canines that can tear meat from bones as easily as if it were water. But his eyes. They are bright blue eyes, that are fierce, yet have so much anger and sadness within them. I can't help but ask.

"Why are you so sad?" I frown and ask him with curiosity.

He seems shocked that I asked that. I don't know why. He doesn't answer, and so I ask something else.

"Do you know who I am?" I ask him, hopefully he did know. He had to know.

"I do." He says, I laugh as I see him move his mouth as he speaks. I get closer to him to see him more closely. That also seems to surprise him. I sit down next to him. I look down and see nothing, I'm sitting on nothing. That doesn't surprise me, at all and I shrug it off.

I feel relieved, someone knows who I am. All the fear I had before vanishes and pure curiosity takes it's place.

"Good, than everything is okay." I tell him. "You look warm." I stretch out my hand and place it on his back, I feel the warmth of the flames surround my hand and because of that I get closer to him.

"You're not afraid, little one?" He asks me in disbelief. I don't know what he is talking about. Why would I be afraid? Everything is okay. He knows who I am, I'm not alone anymore and he's warm. Everything is okay.

"No." I say. "I was cold before and really lonely, but with you here I'm not lonely anymore! And you can keep me warm." I laugh with a huge smile on my face. Once again, this seems to surprise him very much but after a long time he slowly lays down. Now, I can lay my back on him and be completely covered by the warmth of his flames. He lays his head down on his paws. He finally eases up, a bit.

"I missed this, little one." He tells me after a while. I don't know what he is talking about but I smile, because I think he is smiling, too. Although, I don't know if wolfs even smile. But I just feel it, he's happy.

"What's your name?" I ask him.

He doesn't answer for a while but then slowly says. "You named me Adara."

"You have such I pretty name and I named you?" I ask him with a big smile, I'm so proud of myself. I can't stop smiling.

"You did. A long time ago." He simply says.

"I like you Adara, so do you want to be my friend?" I ask him with a huge smile.

"I have always been your friend." He says, I know he is smiling again. I giggle with happiness and excitement.

"And you promise to be my friend forever?" I ask him as I get real close to his eyes and stare at them with happiness.

"I promise." He smiles.

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