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I grab both her wrists making her stop. She kicks me in the stomach but I still don't lose my grip on her wrists. She isn't that strong, she is fast and deadly but not strong. I close my grip and make her drop her knifes. She screams because of the pain 

"Bitch!" She kicks me hoping that I would let go, but I don't.

I turn around, her hands on my left shoulder and I pull. Her back hits the floor and she tries to recover her breath. She gets up and stumbles to the ground once more. I look around and see Sokaku standing above Mr. Hart and he smiles at me. 

Before I can smile back Mich yells. "Behind you!"

I just see I knife inches away from my eyes. I can't dodge it, so instead take out my own knife and block the attack.

Like I said, she wasn't strong. I easily press, making her fall to her knees. I look into her eyes and notice she is scared. I kick her in the face knocking her out. I sigh letting myself cool down. I turn to face a scared Mrs. Hart hugging her son. 

I open my mouth to say. "You are going to move away and never come back or I will personally come back and finish you off, am I clear?" I ask her making her look at me. She starts crying slowly her eyes fall on her unconscious husband.


Happy with her answer I put my knife in its place. Sokaku is the first to walk out. Mich walks out after he says goodbye to their son. 

I follow him but stop at the door without looking back I say "Because of the friendship you had with my parents I put my trust in you to take care of my brother... now I hope you disappear and I never have to see the likes of you selfish people again."

"Your parents were the most selfish people." Mrs. Hart says coughing. I step outside before my anger gets the better of me, I walk to the jeep. Sokaku and Mich are already inside. I start the car and get us on the highway before long.

"So... do you want to explain what happened back there?" Mich asks, he is looking out the window. "More like do you want to explain how that happened?" He keeps saying. I look at him through the review mirror.

"Michael we will explain everything in the morning, I promise." Sokaku says surprising me, I shot him a glance and he just smiles an understanding smile.

"Fine." Mich has his eyes closed. He is tired, we all are. He falls asleep and we hear him snore lightly.

I close the door to my room, after I had laid Mich on my bed. I look around the mansion trying to find Sokaku, I try his room, the kitchen, the living room and finally I find him behind the house. He is doing pull ups, holding on to a 10 feet tall branch, attached to a 15 feet tree. I walk closer to where he is and stare at him doing his push ups.

"Are you going to say something or just stare." He says, you can see the sweat in his face through the darkness.

I can't help but trace his muscles, he isn't wearing a shirt. He definitely has a good and muscular body, he is inches bigger than me, and the moonlight is being reflected in his dark hair and dark eyes.

I guess now looking at him he is good looking.

Now I am very glad it is dark outside.

I sigh and drop to the ground, exhausted by today's events. 

"I hope you know what your doing." I finally say my eyes concentrating only on the ground.

"About?" He asks. Letting go of the branch he drops to the ground. Standing on his two feet, he steps closer to me and sits next to me. I lay on my back and see the moon as beautiful and mighty as ever.

"With Mich, and everything."

"We have to tell him, I mean we can't just fight in front of him and then lie to his face." He says looking at me while I am looking at the moon.

"Your right." I turn to look at him "But once he knows there is no going back."

"I know and I like him, it will be cool... all of is living together in Japan." He says locking eyes with me.

"Sokaku, I didn't leave three years ago just so I could come back and pull him to this world of fighting." I say "He could get hurt!" Desperation in my voice.

"Yeah, but you are hurting him and yourself by leaving him here." He says. He is right but what if things go wrong and what if he gets hurt or worse died because I pull him into my world.

"Kara." He pulls me out of my thoughts "He will not die because Sensei will train him." He seemed sure.

"Maybe." I say, thinking.

"Get some sleep Kara, we both need it." He stands up and stretches out his hand to help me up. I take it.

He pulls me with too much force and we end up hugging. I can feel his strong hands on my back and the muscles in his chest. My cheeks turn red but so did his.

He lets me go all too soon. He says goodnight and goes to his room. I stay there standing in the dark with my thoughts for a while.

After a bit I decide that Sokaku was right, Mich already knew to much and couldn't defend himself. So the best thing to do is to tell him everything and train him.

Doesn't matter how much I want Mich not to be in this world he already is, like it or not.

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