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Taylor sighed, facing that brown oak door. She took her red bonnet off and shook off the snow from her shoulders. She knocked on the door then it opened up, revealing a beautiful girl not a couple of years older than she is, she had the same eyes as Harry, only she had her hair dyed blonde.

"Oh hey, you must be Taylor. I've heard loads about you from Harry." She greeted with the same English accent and hugged Taylor. "Gosh, where are my manners? It's too cold out there, inside you go."

Taylor couldn't be wrong, this has to be Harry's sister, Gemma Styles. As Taylor remembered, she had a daughter named Lux which, also, she had never met before. This is the first time Taylor will come to Harry's house.

Gemma Styles made way for Taylor to come inside. As told by Gemma, she hung her yellow coat on the coat rack with her bonnet.

"Wow, you're even prettier in personal." Gemma said, smirking with dimples on her face.

"Umm, thanks." Taylor shrugged. Being called 'pretty' by a beautiful woman isn't the most comfortable thing she had ever experienced. "You too." She said.

Gemma's eyebrows are both raised as her cheeks bulged by her childly lip-biting. "Thanks. And don't be shy, I don't eat pretty girls."

Is she referring to me? "S-So where's Lux?" Taylor asked, trying to make the situation comfortable.

"Oh, where else? Upstairs with his uncle." Gemma answered, "I suggest you not to go up there now, who knows? My little brother is probably wearing a pink ballet dress with his hair in pigtails."

Taylor laughed. Gemma is exactly like Harry, it's unbelievable. "You've seen him do that?" She asked, curious if Harry did.

"Eh, just the pigtails thing. But hint, my daughter's fairy wings is broken, the garter is loose." Gemma winked, directing Taylor to walk with her and Taylor just followed her around the house.

"You know my brother won't shut-up about you. It's always Taylor this and Taylor that." Gemma states as they walk to the kitchen where the aroma of cookies and other pastries filled the room.

Taylor was too busy darting her eyes at every corner, every kitchen equipment is either colored black or silver, the small window near the counter had a red curtain covering it, the tools and equipment all seemed new or well-taken care of. The walls are painted white and the floor was as clean as crystal. Soft music plays in every room, it can never be quiet. She was amazed by the neatness of the Styles' household she could barely believe such house exists.

Gemma sat on a high chair near the counter. "Taylor, no need to be shy. Biscuit?" She said, pointing to the plate of cookies. Gemma grabbed one and took a bite.

Taylor shrugged in shyness again. "No, thanks."

"I insist. Come on, it's a sin to say 'no' to blessings." Gemma said, sliding the plate near Taylor.

Taylor smiled. Gemma isn't really different from Harry, she can even use the right play of words that'll always lead you to saying 'yes'. She sat near Gemma, her pale hands on the counter. She grabbed one cookie and ate slowly.

"So, tell me, how are you and my brother?" Gemma asked.

"We're fine. We have arguments every once in a while but that's normal." Taylor answered.

Gemma finished the rest of the cookie she was eating. "Pretty normal, don't worry. Although don't get too tight on Harry, he hates it when he's held on the neck."

Okay? I think I got it. "Yeah, I kind of noticed he didn't like being bossed around." Taylor replied.

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