S i x t y - s i x

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Sixth days left. . .

How do I even begin to describe this day?

Plain awful! I couldn't even begin to describe it. Six days left and just when everything is going at hand, the weather needed to be the hindrance. It rained awfully hard, the wind was pretty much making the trees sway, the clouds kept rumbling every couple of minutes along with thunder and lightning, and the streets were all covered in at least half an inch of rainwater. It got pretty bad that I didn't allow Alison to go to school. I was also late for work, I know that but who would question me for being late in this type of weather?! Half of my class wouldn't even show up. Still, work is work.

"Daddy, you're still going to work?!" Alison asked. Right now, she is drinking a small cup of hot chocolate with Liz while watching some cartoons.

I ran my fingers through my hair to fix it then faced her, "Ermm, yep, I gotta check the office. College classes aren't canceled."

"School is canceled." She said.

"Not the university." I replied and smiled. "I'll be home before you know it."

"Okay." Alison said before turning her attention back to the cartoons.

I grabbed a rather thick coat and an umbrella as I made my way to the door. I kissed Alison's cheek and bid my farewell to Liz. I wasn't only planning to go to work today, I figured, it'll be a good day to visit Lou again yet the weather sucked so I reckon I'm just going to have to wait until tomorrow.

Work was alright, at least more than half of my class showed in almost every period. After those, I sat inside the office for a while, staring at my pens and listening to the harshly falling raindrops outside. It was almost barely heard because of the thick, closed building and the music that's coming from one of my coworker's phone.

I was wondering if I should visit Louis today, I know it isn't one of the best ideas for a weather like this but I can't seem to push that thought out of my head. Bad idea, Harry. . . you're not going to visit Lou in the hospital today.

"Yeah, maybe not." I mumbled to myself. Even so, my mind is still debating on it.

"Harold?" I've heard someone call me so I lifted my head up to see who it is. It turns out to be Mr. Grady. I sort of forgot the subject he teaches and usually, he stays around here since he sometimes have evening classes. He's about sixty years old, he's already got poor eyesight –hence the glasses– balding head and yet he never gets tired of teaching his students. From what some said, he usually commutes from work to home.

He asked me if he could borrow my umbrella. Since I've got a car and he still had to commute, I immediately gave it to him and said it isn't a big deal. He thanked me and went outside. Of course, the afterthoughts had to be there.

Great idea, Harold. Now how're you going to get to your car?
I'll run.
You'll never do that. . .

But by the look an of it, I probably will.

I looked up from the roof and to the far part of the parking lot where I parked my car. "That's a bit of a long run." I muttered to myself as I stared wide eyed at the wide space I still have to run through. I've got my coat, yeah but what's to say this rainfall wouldn't go through it?

Nevermind the running thing, if I tripped, that would have been a bit of a wet disaster. I pulled my coat over my head, looked around and walked as quickly as I could to get inside my car. I still ended up running and I was slightly wet when I finally got inside my car. I exhaled in relief and ruffled my hair to clear out the raindrops from it.

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