T h i r t y

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"Why?" Taylor asked Niall.

He walked near her and sat beside her. "It's almost ending. Do you think we wouldn't find you here?"

"I think it's pretty obvious that I'm here. I always go here back then, didn't I?" Taylor replied.

"What happened back there? Unless you don't want to talk about it, it's cool." Niall said.

She shook her head and said, "I don't want to, really. Kind of proud to say that I didn't cry." She joked.

"Yeah, or you'll be a mess." Niall chuckled and helped her stand up. "You alright now?"

Taylor nodded. "Yes. Is Liz--"

They started walking forward. "Funny how you're concerned of someone not even remotely related to you. Yes, she is alright. But Harry disappeared a few moments after you did. We don't know where he is."

"Bathroom?" Taylor joked, with a cheery smile on her face. She didn't know why she find it funny.

Niall laughed the ringing bell laugh and said "Probably. What happened to your hair?"

"Oh this?" Taylor ran a hand through her hair and said, "Got caught up in something."

"Yeah?" Niall messed up his own hair to the point that it looked like there was a tornado that just struck through it.

"You didn't have to do that." She said.

"I know, but we're twins, remember?" He smiled and Taylor did as well.

They got back to their table and Harry was the only one missing. Taylor's mind was debating if she should talk to Liz, something is telling her she shouldn't because after all, it wasn't in her place.

"Niall." Louis said with a wide grin. He faced the two, facing everyone on his back, really. Danielle was listening but she didn't bother turning around like Louis did. "Wait for the two of you to come home. I mean wait before--"

"Louis." Taylor groaned. "Really?"

Niall and Louis laughed. "I wouldn't do that, not to her." Niall said.

"Of course not, if she was with Harry right now, they probably wouldn't finish--"

"Louis!" Taylor snapped. She knew Liz was listening. How could he be that sensitive?!

Louis soon realized what he's done. "Sorry." He whispered and turned around.

Idiot! Taylor was so close, so close to actually slapping Louis for his stupidity and madness at the moment but she can't. It's Louis. . . she won't do that.

Taylor texted Louis,

You really killed the mood.

And Louis replied,

I'm sorry :(

She replied,

Don't worry. . . the night's almost over.

It wasn't very long, it was about ten minutes when the program ended. Taylor could finally sigh in relief. Harry only showed up during the last two minutes and not a word where he's been. Definitely, bathroom. Taylor and Niall went out together with Louis and Danielle behind them. As of now, they are making their way to where their cars were parked since the parking lot was full.

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