F i f t y - n i n e

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Regrettably, for the rest of the day, Taylor and I didn't talk. I let her take her space and spent time calling up the office, saying I won't come up tomorrow for some reasons. Then, the next few calls would be just Alison and Liz, –mostly, my daughter– since she would talk about how her day went with the neighbor's kids.

"I gotta go, daddy, goodbye!!" Alison said.

"Sure. Love you, princess."

"I love you, daddy!!!" She said then ended the call. Smiling, I put my phone back inside my pocket and laid my head back on the pillow then closed my eyes.

This is a tiring day, I could still feel a few muscle pains and bruises but other than that, is the amount of emotions that had been released. I took deep breaths every few seconds, clearing my head of everything. I've had loads of sleep from today but it seemed as though I'm still tired.

Then I heard Eleanor talking to me –judging by the cheerful tone and the smooth talk. "You and Tay haven't said a word for the whole time we've been here, anything happened?" She asked.

I would be lying if I said nothing happened. "Give the fact that she's not in here, literally, we wouldn't be able to talk." I mumbled then turned my back on Eleanor.

"Well, yeah, but the odd thing is, the fact that both of you were too quiet. And also the atmosphere in the place."

"I don't really want to talk about it now."

Eleanor was about to say something but Lou's mum talked to her about leaving me alone for a bit then they had their usual conversations wherein I didn't listen. Soon, I heard the door open and, El made it easy to know who it was. "Tay! Finally and. . . uh, Cas?"

I've thought and mumbled at least seventeen swears, some in a different language. That's such a good idea, you know, letting that guy inside. Great idea!!

"Oh, no, he's just dropping me off." Taylor replied after a few questions of Eleanor. Good, because him being near doesn't really give a good atmosphere in the place.

"Let him in, dear. It'll only take a second if it isn't an inconvenience for him." Lou's mum said and by the sound of it, things just doesn't go my way.

They started talking but no one said something about me being still awake. I tried not to listen yet, my ears hyped up the moment I heard his name.

"What's up with the popped lip?"Eleanor asked. I knew she's not insensitive, just a curious little puppy.

"J-Just ran into trouble earlier." The one supposedly named Cas, replied. More like stepped into trouble.

"Funny, Harry too seemed like he just got into a fight too." She said and laughed. Little did she know, what she said is actually true.

Biting my lower lip while smirking, I raised an eyebrow then I faced her. She stopped laughing when she saw me. Taylor called her with a face that's is clearly saying something. Then, she looked at me and the other lad. All of a sudden, her face turned red in embarrassment.

"Oh, ohhhhh."

The lad laughed at her reaction then simply said, "All is well now, don't worry."

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