N i n e t y - o n e

906 43 18

The very night before our flight, the same horrid cycle happened. I woke up with a start from a horrible dream, which, I could barely remember. I reached out for my phone and then looked at the time, 3:08 am. Though my eyes could barely shake the tiredness off, I decided to stay awake a little more, just a quiet minute with me and my thoughts alone.

Taylor was right beside me, peacefully sleeping with one of my arms around her. It was her overwhelming floral scent that made my eyelids drop a little sooner than I thought. It's as though, it was forcing me to sleep. . . and almost as immediately, I dozed off back into my light sleep.

About, maybe, two or three hours later, my eyes popped out once again. I felt Taylor shuffle and break free from my grasp. I wasn't sure why all of a sudden but she hopped out of the bed and ran outside. It might have took me a moment or two but as soon as my senses snapped, I followed her.

One second, I took a glance at the window and I could see the natural lights starting to paint the skies. I never paid too much attention to time back then, somehow now it just taught me the cruelest lesson. . . I have more yet to learn.

I looked around and just as I've walked out of the bedroom, I saw the door from the bathroom shut. I was a metre away and I've already heard gagging noises and the toilet flushed, I know what's happening in there and it's enough to make my stomach turn upside down.

It was a brief minute later when Taylor opened the door. She almost jumped at the sight of me and if I haven't got an idea that it was her, I would've jumped back at the sight of her as well.

I didn't even want to think about it but she looked like vampire. The thought made me gulped out loud as I knew, somehow, my foolish thoughts made a point. Taylor had her wavy hair hung, reaching a couple of inches under her shoulder, most scattered across her face and absolutely messy. Her eyes sunk and darker shades surrounded them, though I'd say nothing covered the beautiful light in her blue eyes. Still, her eyes were bloodshot. At different occasions, it would have amused me to see her lips red, but not this time as I knew it wasn't lipstick that coloured them.

"Uh--" I started on, not knowing what to say.

Taylor wiped her lips with her sleeve and as I realised under the dim light, a few bits of blood stained her shirt. "Forget you saw this." She said and then started walking towards the kitchen.

It wasn't very dark, yet she was feeling her way around. I remembered her having an awful eyesight so I went towards her, held her hand and lead the way. "Come on." I whispered. She glanced at me gratefully and made her way to get a glass of water while I stared at her.

After finishing up, She bowed her head and leaned against the sink. "Sorry you had to see that." She apologised, sounding so weak.

I walked towards her, trying to figure out what to say. "You want to go back to sleep?" I asked.

She shrugged, "I don't know. I kind of need a minute."

"Alright, I'll be here as long as you'd like." I said and forced a smile out of my lips. I couldn't really cheer myself up at the moment but I wanted to, for her sake.

Taylor smiled back faintly. "I miss having Diana around." She said and then I remembered her kitten was already in Nashville. Give or take a few days ago, she asked her mum to help transfer it.

"Ouch, I'm here." I said, trying to make it sound like I was. . .jealous. . .of. . .the. . .kitten.

She laughed her beautiful ringing laugh but it faded easily. "Mom likes her and---" she stopped mid sentence and she flinched. "Get away." She whispered.

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