E i g h t y - f o u r

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Taylor, Alison and I kept walking around for the rest of the day, until we eventually got tired and sat it out on a bench again. And then we simply, talked.

"Harry, I've asked and I've been in your campus and I've had a load of talk to some of your past students. I would swear, you were a terror teacher." Taylor said, laughing like she just discovered my worst secret. I knew I was terror, but not that terror.

"I just never smiled and never laugh at jokes, why did that make me terror?" I asked, now even my eyebrows scrunched up.

"Harry, you threw a marker at your student for using his phone at class!" She retorted back.

I sighed, "First of all, I apologize whenever I do things like that. Second of all, I never repeat it to the same student. And third, how did you know?!"

She laughed, "One of them had a sister that had been my patient. We got to chat a bit. He also said that the past year, you've been much better. Your students liked you so much better now."


"And, I kinda saw some teasing faces when they saw me making out with you. You don't do that to a terror teacher. . ." she added with a laugh and then she reached for her phone inside her pocket.

"What does 'making-out' mean?" Alison asked.

Taylor and I exchanged glances. I'm just glad her gaze said she'll explain it. "It's something you shouldn't say until you're older, okay?" She said to Alison. And Alison nodded. Then Taylor faced me, "You were terror, now nice."

I can't disagree with that. "Yeah, okay maybe." I mumbled.

"Sometimes at home too. You're scary, daddy." Alison said and her words worried me a little. Not until she giggled.

"I've changed, haven't I?" I asked, I'm hoping I did because it would have been traumatizing. I don't even remember those times.

She nodded with a smile. "Yes! And you're the best, daddy!"

I kissed her cheek and tickled her for no reason. I just find her simply ticklish and she giggles cutely so it's a win-win situation for me. It went for a little while until I noticed Taylor being slightly quiet, she had her eyes shut tight and her breathing was rather harsh.

"You alright there, love?" I asked her and Alison faced her as well.

She opened her eyes, flinching a little as though she was shocked to see me there. "Y-Yeah." She replied with a brilliant smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."

I raised an eyebrow, I didn't need to say the words. It was clear I didn't believe her.

Taylor laughed, "I swear, I'm fine." She said and took a deep breath. "I'm just — tired, that's all."

"Honestly the same, my feet are killing me." I replied with a chuckle.

"Whoo, daddy, you're getting old." Alison teased and I wasn't able to think of my next response. . . it just fell out.

"Easy for you, we carried you almost the entire time." I muttered and then rolled my eyes. . .that's when I realized what I said. She only laughed at my response.

"Just half the time!" She defended herself but her being carried even in half the time didn't quite help her argument.

"You still lose." I mumble.

"No, I didn't!" Alison said, standing by her words. "Queen Swift, daddy is getting old, right?" She said, obviously trying to get a back up. And knowing these two, I probably wouldn't win because they always join forces. . .

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