T h i r t y - o n e

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"We need to talk."

That simple statement with four simple words could make your simple life complicated. It brings back all the things you are guilty of, and every secret you are keeping right now. This simple sentence could just screw your life. Especially if Harry Styles was the one who told you that.

In the middle of a quiet day, after her birthday, -December fourteen to the exact- she received a call from the caller ID, Harry Styles. At first, it was fine since Taylor knew it was Alison who is calling her but it turned to be really Harry Styles.

Despite her protest, saying she didn't like the idea and she'd rather not, he's as complicated as always, he still told her the place and told her he'll really come. If you think about it, Taylor have every right to say 'no', the only thing is, she thought it might be the one to end it all, maybe that's all they need, a little closure to stop the anxiety and every little worry she had.

So here she is, driving to Shaden Park, thinking of a million scenarios in her head about what could easily go wrong with meeting up with her ex. She already tried to clear this up with herself, Closure, nothing else but closure. . . and probably talking about Alison, that'll be cool too.

Taylor is running a bit late, just a bit, it was only three minutes and a half. It still worried her because what if Harry arrived earlier than she did? It shouldn't really be a big issue, but she knows Harry and she has anxiety. It sucks for the two of that to be on her mind because they cause her to create unnecessary illusions in her head that will probably never happen.

She sighed and pulled over, she parked her car on the side of the street, trying to see if there are any black Range Rovers around. She was unsuccessful seeing as she only saw a quarter of her surroundings because she is still inside the car. She saw a lot of people wearing thick winter clothes, children ready for fun things and adults for their own businesses. She could hear the laughter and noise from inside the car and she focused on that for a while.

Her phone rang again and she picked it up as soon as she could. She also looked at the caller ID, to make sure he was the one calling her.

"Yeah?" She answered the way she usually would if it was her friends. She figured the not-so-casual approach worked a bit better. Because she tried calling him "Mr. Styles" during the phone call and he just replied with a stiff, "Don't call me that."

"Where are you?" He asked. He said it normally like they haven't had all these past behind them.

"Park." Taylor answered in a slight teasing tone. She smirked at how much her mood changed with just one word.

"Be specific, Taylor." He grumbled then groaned as if he is out of breath. "Nevermind. I'll just try to find you."

She shook her head and chuckled quietly. "You're just going to waste your time. It's impossible."

"Ten years, I didn't think it was possible to see you again. Yet, here we are." Harry replied, terrifically outsmarting her in words.

Taylor rolled her eyes. "How are we having this kind of conversation? Seemed like yesterday when you frowned at my very presence."

"Hey, in my defense, it wasn't the best day of my life. My boss was being an--- and that's exactly where I am headed, I'm sorry, okay? This is why I wanted to meet up with you." Harry explained.

"Why a sudden character change?" Taylor asked sarcastically, though not the offensive kind of sarcasm.

"I'm always me, Taylor. I just had a thought during your birthday, we never really had closure and I just have a lot of things to talk to you about." He said, now he sounded like he's out of breath.

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