T w e n t y - f o u r

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"No way! You've got that many comic books?" Taylor remarked, surprised as Cas told her about his collection of comic books. They're in a Cafe right now and it's Monday - her day off.

"Yeah, since I go to a lot of countries, I need something to keep me amused while we're camping, outdoors or sometimes near the battlefield, but not during battles." Cas laughed and Taylor did so as well. "That'll be the stupidest thing to do."

Then a thought crossed Taylor's mind. She looked sad for a while and Cas noticed it easily.

"What's with the face?" He asked.

"You said you'll go to Iran, right? About three weeks from now?" Taylor said. She didn't like the idea of Cas leaving. But who was she in her life to even have a little control? She's just his friend. . .

"Actually, it's a week from now. I'll leave next Monday." Cas said.

"Oh." That sucks. Taylor frowned though she didn't make it that obvious.

"Don't be sad, I mean, it's still easy to communicate. Just keep connected, alright?" Cas asked, then stared at her with those gray eyes.

She broke herself from the gaze since she felt slightly uncomfortable. "Sure. It's that----" her phone rang. "Sorry I gotta take this." She apologized to Cas. He nodded and she answered the call.

"Taylor sp--"

Louis cut her off instantly. "We're in trouble. . .big trouble." He said.

"How big?"

He sighed, "Please believe me, Tay. This time I'm dead serious. I swear, I'm not fooling around." His voice sounded real serious.

"I believe you. But if this is a prank, you're giving me my key back." She replied.

"Deal." Louis answered. "Harry found out."

What?! Please tell me, he's not serious. "Did he now? How?" Taylor said, her voice raising.

"Me and Alison kind of slipped it out. And we've got a situation." Louis said quickly and sounded nervous. "He's kind of furious about it. But I explained everything. I told him it's my fault."

"Okay, but how did he react?"

"Not too well, you can see him really furious about it but tried not to be. He told me to leave that instant." Louis replied.

"You've got to be kidding me, right now. Please tell me you aren't serious."

"I wish I'm just pranking you but, he was mad. I'm serious, believe me this is real."

Taylor bit her lip and looked down. She almost forgot she got Cas infront of her, she tried smiling then answered, "He's gonna kill me now, is he?"

"Well. . ." Louis trailed. "No, not now since he seemed to be mad at me and me only. It's alright, I'll get it fixed within days. He'll never let Alison out with me again, for sure. I'll let it pass." He explained.

"You know, this really sucks. . . anything about me?" Taylor asked.

"I'm building up to that. After I let Alison tell him everything, he seemed to be startled, I haven't the slightest idea why. Though I'm not sure you'll be able to see a lot of smiles from now on. You say you're in good terms? I'm not so sure now. Still, I can reassure you, Liz doesn't know anything about his past with you. His last question was. . ." he paused.


"'Why did it have to be you?'." Louis stated. He waited for Taylor to reply. It was a long silence.

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