N i n e t y - f o u r

968 51 29

December 13

I woke up too early. Almost the whole house was asleep, everything was peacefully quiet. I got myself fixed up with a bath and some fresh clothes. Then after, I made my way downstairs.

I took a glance at the weather outside the window and the TV that was turned on. Unfortunately, the skies just decided to blow off a snow storm, like they can't give one good birthday for an angel like Taylor. I cursed about it for a moment.

How would El and Lou get here if there's a snowstorm?! The heavens really chose the best day for it. I wondered how El and Lou were doing and hoped that they were alright. . . I can't spend the whole day worrying. I sent them both a text and I got a reply afterwards. . . they were okay and I was relieved by that.

Then, I eventually marched down to a certain part of the house.

Not everything was quiet as I hoped, I saw Mrs. Swift preparing something - obviously for Taylor's birthday - I asked to join her and she let me. It wasn't long before Shiela and Austin came downstairs and started helping around as well. Then, later, Alison still wearing her pyjamas went downstairs.

"Daddy, can you please help me with this?" She asked, pointing to the cookie she was designing.

"Sure." I replied and then helped her design a few pieces. After a while, we were all done with the kitchen and it was as clean as ever.

After we were done, Alison asked if she could play with Mavery, which, I agreed with immediately.

Still leaning back on the kitchen sink, Austin was chuckling when he approached me and stood beside me. "The kid is definitely Taylor's." He said while laughing.

"To be honest, that would have been a better scenario for me but unfortunately, Alison isn't Taylor's." I replied, keeping myself calm.

"Yeah, but where did the eyes come from?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't really know."

"Oh right, because she's Taylor's."

Now, I just wanted to get out of the conversation. Reminding me that my daughter is not Taylor's - in every way - was harsh enough. I stood straight and then said, "Austin, if you'll excuse me, I'd rather not talk about that and I've got to go upstairs."

"Oh sure, go ahead." He replied and I walked away.

Well, at least I've escaped that one.

I marched straight to Taylor's bedroom. I knocked first and there wasn't an answer so I went inside. I only found out that she was still sleeping, quite soundly. I locked the door behind me and I wasn't really one to wake her up when her sleep is too deep but it's her birthday. . . and I also need to get back at her for waking me up too early before out trip to the zoo weeks ago.

I jumped on her bed, and that did the trick. Her sleep wasn't too deep after all. She slowly opened her eyes, probably a bit puzzled as to why I am on fours on her bed and my face was a few inches near.

"Happy birthday." I greeted with her favourite dimpled smile.

She smiled as well and then closed her eyes. . . "Too early." She mumbled.

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