T w e n t y - o n e

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Okay, so what do I do?

Outside, Taylor was just a blonde woman sitting across a young child, both having a normal conversation while eating the bagels in the box between them. Though inside, she was this panicking girl who don't even know what to do. Inside her mind, she was screaming, she was almost ready to break down because she think she would lose her mind. How would she know how to handle the situation?

Since, her mind wasn't really helping her that much, she just decided to talk to Alison while trying to figure out how she is going to reach her parents. First off, she didn't know their address, (not that she wanted to know) and their numbers.

"Alison." She called.

Alison looked up, her lips dusted with the white powder on the bagel she was eating. "Hmmm?"

"Do you know your parents' number?" Taylor asked, it was a stupid question but she'd rather take the chance than not take it at all.

Alison shook her head 'no' so Taylor somehow lost one of her ideas. "So how are we going to find them?" Last time I checked we tried, for almost thirty minutes. Okay, that was another stupid thing to ask, but she's desperate.

Then she looked outside, trying to calm herself by the scenery, the clouds, as it rained again, a bit harder this time. That soother her a bit.

"I swear, Louis is controlling the weather." She mumbled to herself then sat silently for a while as her mind sucked in the ideas, Louis!

He was the only one in her phonebook that knows Harry's number, and Louis' -out of all the lads'- was the only number she was able to get.

She called him up immediately. "Come on, pick up. . . come on, pick up." She repeated the same old words but he cannot be reached. She tried again, then again, then again. . . she was getting very frustrated she decided to stop.

"Dr. Swift?" Alison finally spoke.

Taylor found a way to ease herself as her gaze landed back on Alison, she didn't forget she was there, she just felt odd knowing she would talk to her openly.


"Can I see Meredith and Olivia now?" She asked.

Seeing as Taylor was talking to a child, she tried to understand and she reminded herself that she had been through a lot of kids and they all have these weird desires no grown-up could understand.

"I d-didn't bring them with me." She said. "They're back at my house." Correction, apartment.

"Can't we go there?"

Taylor shook her head and said, "No, I'm sorry princess, we can't."

She watched as she saw disappointment fill the child inside and out. Alison bowed her head and fiddled with her small fingers, but befor she did, Taylor saw some sort of sadness spark in her electric eyes.

She couldn't understand why or how Alison trusts her this much, or maybe the child is just like that around adults. The thing is, Taylor saw how she affected the child, she just said "no". . . she was a stranger, she was just a doctor, a random person she could meet everyday, but how come Alison looks at her and she'd feel like she had the effect on her?

"Hey." Taylor said, very softly and soothing. "Alison, can you please look at me, princess?"

Alison obeyed, yet her face was unreadable.

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