Chapter 1

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"Okay for our last song it's always a classic" I spoke into the microphone, trying to hide how out of breath I was from running up and down the stage. We were at our last UK concert in London until we were off to States. The crowd roared, I know I should have my ear piece in but I loved it. I mean, why be famous if you don't absolutely love being loved. Oh and we can't forget the money.

As I peered out I always see boards with my face on them and some rather funny signs spread all over the arena and well some I rather not discuss.

"My ovaries died for you!"

"My mom doesn't know I spent all my rent money to be here"

And my favorite so far... " I thought this was a Backstreet Boys concert!"

Niall spoke next and we all knew he'd top all of us in the speech department. "This is to all our beautiful-,"

"And handsome," Liam added.

"Yes, yes and handsome fans that have been with us the whole way!" Niall left looking at Zayn to finish the announcement to the final song. Surprisingly, Niall kept it short. I guess back to back shows really can wear Niall out.

"This is 'What Makes You Beautiful'" Zayn said. The crowed managed to go louder than ever and go absolutely mad.

We all looked at each other and spread out in our normal routine on stage, I took the far left and hopped up on a rather tall box, not really knowing what it was but as long as it supported me it'll have to do.

Liam entered as usual, "You're insecure don't know what for, you're turning heads when you walked through the d-o-or don't need makeup to cover up, being the way that you are is en-ou-u-gh..."

I took a deep breath opened my mouth and, "Everyone else in the room can see it everyone else, but you-u ..."

And we all joined in "Baby you light up my world like nobody else..." Well you know the rest.


"Thank you London! As always you guys were awesome!" Louis said as we were getting to our final goodbyes.

"We hope to see you all very soon!" Liam added.

"Once again we thank you guys for sticking with us and all your support. Without you we wouldn't be living our dream and doing what we love the most; which is making our fans happy and letting us enjoy performing. You all are why we get up here and smile." Niall added, out doing all of our little goodbyes.

I walked to the edge of the stage where Zayn and I took a seat. "As always let's just give Niall a big round of applause for his marvelous heartfelt speeches!" I paused as the fans went ballistic. "Thank you guys for the love, support, and coming out having a fun time with us!"

We all lined up and wrapped our arms over each other. I turned to the lads, "Here's to another tour in the books." We all patted each other on the shoulder our hands rested on and smiled as we unevenly bowed. We turned around and jumped into the opening in the stage floor and exited to one of the bands drum and guitar solos.

We headed back to the dressing room and didn't have a chance to rest before Lou fixed our hair a bit wiping the sweat off our face and heading towards the back stage for our usual meet and greet to the fans. We were supposed to do them before the show but we were running late.

As we entered we heard the faint screams and screeches we were used to, but hey who's to complain? They pay the bills and without them where would we be; certainly not performing in arenas around the world. Probably a baker, they did tip well.


We were all called to London National Airport for our flight to the states well one state in particular. After the concert we all went our separate way going back home for a visit and a bit of a holiday before we were forced back to work.

I wish it was longer though, everything seemed so stress free without a million people telling you what to wear how to act what to say. I don't know how much longer I can do this.

Once all checked in we were on the plane ready for takeoff in twenty minutes. We began chatting about our little break. Niall and Louis went back home watched some football games, ate, and spent time with family. Harry's mum got re-married and he was all too happy to be the best man; and I spent the time sleeping, relaxing and catching up on what the family was up to. I miss them already.

As the seat belt light went off we all parted and most likely went to sleep, seeing it was almost 11pm. I took a sleeping pill so I don't have to face my anxiety of flying the whole time.

"California here we come." I mumbled as the melatonin kicked in.

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