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Alexis' POV

I was lying by the window watching it pour; I traced patterns on the glass from the fog that came with the rain. This is what I've been doing the last two days while the guys are out at work. That's all they seem to do during the week. I'm always here by myself, alone...vulnerable.


I turned over and get up slowly, could it be the guys, but they have a key and they should be at a signing. Emm, no Emm's in New York. Alexa, ha like Alexa knows how to get here. As the options ran through my mind as I made my way to the door the knocking continued slow and patient. When I open the door a man is standing in the doorway with another very tall figure just a foot away.

"Hello there I'm..." he started but a light clicked inside.

"Simon Cowell!" I said stunned by his presents, "Please please come in get out of the rain." I moved out of the way and directed him in.

"Uh yes thank you, um are the boys home by chance?" he said looking around. I hate that none of them know how to clean up after themselves.

"Um sorry no they should be at a signing right now." I hastily pick up random clothing and toss them in the nearest room.

"That's right I forgot, sorry for the interruption." He said walking back towards the door.

"No it's fine I wasn't doing much, you're welcome to stay I was going to start lunch if you want to join, the both of you may." I said now noticing the tall tan muscular man standing by the door.

"Thank you but we don't want to be a bother." He exclaimed.

"Nonsense please sit..." did I just order the man so many fear along with a guy equally and fearable to sit, oops. "Now what will it be? I have tea hot or cold, water, orange juice, Coke, Pepsi, and Sprite." I said as I looked through the fridge.

"I'll take you up on the hot tea." Simon said

I turned to the man sitting a seat away from him. "Uh a glass of Pepsi would be great."

As I boiled the water for the tea and served the glass of ice Pepsi I started thinking of lunch. Like what do you make a famous person for lunch, I can't give him a peanut and jelly sandwich. I walked in the pantry and looked around.

I grabbed the quick rise dough, and started cutting up veggies. I love making pizza but this time it was going to be a fancy pizza.

"So how's sharing the house with One Direction?" I heard Simon say from behind me.

"It's not at all how I expected it to be, they're fun, energetic and most of all loud, I'm surprise the fans haven't heard them yet." I joked

"Speaking of which how are they treating you, I haven't seen you in any tabloids?"

"Well that's because they haven't seen me with the boys, i don't think they know I exists. If we go out we make plans to go somewhere low key or throw the camera junkies off in which the boys tweet they'll be on the other side of the city." I laughed.

"Smart and clever I might say. What is it that you are preparing?" He piped.

"Well I call it a fancy pizza, you're welcome to help?" Not thinking he'd take me up on the offer he came around the counter and rolled up his sleeves. I handed him a bell pepper and a slice of pineapple. Pineapple belongs on pizza. 

In a matter of minutes the boys came home, I and Simon were barely putting in the pizza to bake. As we turned around we saw the boys come in loud and rowdy.

"Simon!" Liam yelled as he saw us.

"Liam boy." Simon said moving towards him.

The boys all shared a greeting with the man and gathered around the kitchen island.

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