Chapter 3

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I turned over on my oh so comfy bed when I smelled the morning scent of bacon. Yes! The boys are making breakfast! I arose like a zombie, stiff and groaning. Didn't realize the bed was so soft, I usually can't bare to sleep on a soft bed but I guess I was so tired.

I checked my phone before taking off to the kitchen. Zero miss calls and zero messages. Eleanor hasn't called since our argument, which I don't remember what it was about. To be quite honest.

Anyways I set it back on the stand and saw it was already 11am. I opened the door peeking my head over to the house mate's door. Nothing, it was worrying me, were they dead?  As I went down the hall I heard a feminine voice and the closer I got the more I felt like someone was jumping. Just as I was walking past Zayn's door, he peered through making us both jump.

Before he could squeal I covered his mouth with my hand shushing him. He gave a final nod and looked towards the kitchen hearing what I was curious about. My assumption was right; it was a feminine voice, a girl!

"Wow." he both turned behind us to see Niall looking at what we were. We watched in awe. She had her ear phones in and if she wasn't singing so loud we could hear the song blasting. Her hips swayed as she turned whatever was in the pan. I try to hide my disappointment that she wasn't almost half naked for the sake of my girlfriend. Fuck, I sound like an asshole, no wonder me and Eleanor are always fighting. Her tight gym shorts barely cover any of her ass and the way they are slowly riding up with each twist she's about one squat away from mooning us.

Harry was next to us and Liam joined a moment after. As she got more carried away with the stove work she quieted down enough to where I started to recognized the song she was singing, 'Backstabber' by Ke$ha. Yes, I listen to Ke$ha...sometimes you know for like inspiration for songs and stuff.

She moved her hips side to side buckling them tight and quite sexy. As she flipped the bacon she rolled her hips and moved down. I looked up at the lads, most drooling, even Liam was staring. She doesn't even care to pick the shorts out of her ass. She might as well have underwear on.

The song had changed and I didn't recognize the song but just hearing her sing was quite entertaining. "Oo somebody loves you." Her voice was sketchy and good but not quite actually I think I've earned the right to judge and she just wasn't hitting any notes.

She had almost finish breakfast and tried to grab a plate from the top counter but couldn't make the reach. Seeing that she failed the graceful landing, she picked up her phone, set it down away from her and still hadn't noticed the 5 men gawking. She finally pulls down her shorts releasing her wedgie. She claps her hands together, bent down a bit, and popped up jumping up on to counter with her knees spread apart and hands held in a 'Y' perfectly. She jumped down with the blue ocean colored plate, poured a small amount of eggs onto it and placed a piece of bacon in the center.

One piece of bacon, really? When she turned it was unexpected making her jump and yell, sending us all crippling to the floor. She had dropped everything on her plate to the ground, looking at us confused and panting when we looked up to her. "Oh. My. God!" Shit she noticed us, well who wouldn't were the world's largest boy band. Wow that sounded conceding. "You guys scared the hell out of me." Wait what? No squealing, no jumping up and down. I noticed that the boys were up and I was still on the floor. She extended her arm to me and I gladly took it still in a daze.

"Are you okay we didn't mean to startle you?" Niall said with a bit of stutter on the 'we'.

"Yeah I'm fine my breakfast on the other hand. But the-," she paused and eyed us all and her eyes grew wider. Oh no here it comes. "Yo-you guys are One Direction." She said but not yelling. Was it just me or was I deaf. We all looked at each other not knowing how to response. Liam finally brought forward.

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