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I was placed under his warm body. I rested my weight on my elbows leaning up slightly as Harry’s fingers found the clasp of my bra. Unhooking it he gently pulled the straps over my shoulders. I fell back onto the soft bed and closed my eyes as the pink fabric slid down my arms. I kept my eyes closed but gasped when I felt a pair of wet lips feverishly caress the skin of my breasts. Harry chuckled against my chest when I let out a squeak, his hand rubbing against the fabric of my underwear. Short puffs of air escaped my mouth.

“Let me taste you, please?” he almost whispered.

My eyes widened at what Harry had asked. I had only planned on giving Harry the pleasure he deserved, because of the last time. I found myself saying yes. He didn’t hesitate wriggling his fingers under my panties then smoothly pulling them down my legs. I bent my knees sliding my legs up so my feet were flat on the bed.

Harry’s hands pried my thighs open in doing so he pressed his fingertips into my skin. I brought myself up on my elbows once again, nervously watching as the guy who was fast asleep a minute ago randomly placed kisses along the inside of my thighs. Pleasure shot through my body when a warm tongue ran over my opening. I couldn’t control the breathless gasps falling from my mouth. Harry’s strong arms tighten round my legs trying to restrain me from bucking my hips.

The feeling of Harry’s mouth and tongue against my centre, combined with his soft curls against my thighs was overwhelming. His name fell from my mouth in a fast soft moans. Harry responded in humming against me. My fingers tangled into his damp hair, trying to have him closer. WANTING HIM CLOSER. He looked up at me showing a crimson smile, obviously satisfied with my reaction. I sharply drew in breath as he pushed a long finger into me.

His face came to mine as he continued to push in and out. “Does that feel good?” he roughly asked into my ear.

“Mmhmm.” I mumbled. My hands gripped onto his biceps, feeling them flex while holding his weight above me. I frowned as his actions stopped, withdrawing his touch from where I wanted him most. Harry chuckled at my expression. I quickly wiped the smirk off his face when I gripped him. Harry’s mouth fell open and a throaty groan was released. I pushed him off me, so I was on top. My fingers wiggled down to him and I gently began to move my hand up and down his length.

Harry raised his hips as I felt his man hood grow bigger. I gasped as I saw his size for the first time since the last time I was looking at Harry the whole time. He gave me a cheeky wink. “I want you to show me.” I said shakingly still with my movements on Harry. His head curled back with a deep moan and his chest rising up and down rapidly.

“O-okay just pl-please stop I can’t think straight when you’re…” and he rolled his head back again and gave a final moan. I crawled down and kneeled on the floor. Harry sat up slowly and scooted down. He grabbed my hands and led them to his throbbing part. He began to slowly slide my hands up and down like I was before.

I was getting restless and I came close bringing him into my mouth. He shot up and started to pant faster and moan, before I knew it my name slipped out of his mouth. After a moment Harry tensed up again and I knew what was going to happen. He moaned louder and tangled his hands in my hair and he pulled on it I couldn’t help but moan against him.

“s-st-stop” Harry stuttered out, he pushed me back making me tumble into his dresser and letting his beanie fall from the top. Harry closed his eyes tight and finished off himself letting the white substance come out. Harry opened his eyes and narrowed them right at me. I was frightened a bit and brought my knees up to my naked chest. He came up to me and bent down. My eyes widened as he picked me up bridal style and threw me on the bed.

“I am always a gentleman and I strongly believe in ladies first, someone’s been a naughty girl.” Harry said in a devilish voice, scaring me more and making me scoot back to the head of the bed. “My turn.” With that Harry caught hold of my ankles and pulled me towards him. He lowered his lips to my neck sucking hard making me whimper in pleasure and pain. By the time he let go, he wasted no time and started at my entre again.

Harry held my hips down and stuck his tongue in me and sucked hard on my clit making me buckle my hips against Harry’s hold and moan loudly in overwhelming pleasure. My hands gripped the bed sheets tight making my knuckles turn white. Harry’s name came out every 2 seconds. My body trembled getting closer to climax.

“Harry! Harry! I can’t take it please Harry!” I was close and my body was shaking harshly, my panting couldn’t get any faster, just as I finished the sentence I felt Harry slip a long finger in hard and fast.

“Does that feel good? That wasn’t very nice of you, you naughty girl, now it’s time for your punishment” Harry said hovering over me. I couldn’t keep my eyes open, I shut them tight and practically screamed his name. As I got close I told Harry but he kept going fast and hard. My body jolted up slightly off the bed and brought myself up to Harry, dugging my nails in his back.

 His name slipped out of my mouth, the panting was nonstop. I released but Harry didn’t stop. It was all too much. I screamed as Harry went in harder but in slow thrust, I couldn’t help the tears that slipped out, he did it one last and final time but it drove me over the edge. Harry pulled out and I fell to the bed, my body felt weak and fragile from the multiple orgasms.

Harry got off the bed swiftly walking into his bathroom. I heard the sink water running and I curled up into a ball on my side. A few seconds later I closed my eyes but opened them when I felt Harry at my feet. He turned me on my back and pulled down my legs.

“H-harry please i-I can’t take any more.” I said not ready for a second round.

“I know love. I’m not going to do that, although it was amazing I just want to clean you up a bit.” Harry said and I looked down to see he had a small damp wash cloth. I let him spread my legs and once I felt the cold cloth against my sensitive part I winced and crossed my arms over my eyes. I blushed at the thought that Harry was cleaning me like I was a baby. Harry leaned in and kissed my cheek, tossing the cloth in the bin. When I felt him get off the bed I heard shifting around the room and dresser doors open and clothes.

“Here sit up.” I moved my arms from my eyes and sat up. He scooted over closer to me and I brought my knees to my exposed chest. He then rolled up a shirt and directed me to put my arms in the sleeves and pulled it over my head. He lifted my feet a little and pushed up a pair of sweats. He lifted me up a little and pulled them over my bum.

“Lie down, get some rest.” Harry said and pulled the covers over me. As i did i felt him lie next to me. I turned on my side away from Harry and a felt his arms anchore over my stomach and pull me closer to him in the middle of the bed. He kissed my cheek again and rested his chin over my head. I shut my eyes and curled up in my usual ball and fell in a deep sleep with the thought 'I was going to be sore in the morning'.

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