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“ALEXIS ALEXIS GET UP HURRY THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE GET UP HURRY!” I jolted up from my sleep to Em yelling and jumping on my bed. I can hear the panic worry and then it hit me, I could smell smoke. My vision was blurry from still being half asleep and I began to sprint down the hall with Emma behind me. I was finally out the hall when I saw the boys and Danielle sitting around the kitchen island.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HURRY THE HOUSE Is on fire…” I yell but then I didn’t smell the smoke any more, my vision cleared up and no smoke. What the hell! I turn around to see Emma standing with a burnt out match and a hand holding his mouth.

“You dick you scared the shit out of me!” He finally let out the laugh. “IT’S NOT FUNNY! I’m going back to bed.” I said before turning around.

“Wait I got you up or you would have slept in all day. Come we made you breakfast.” Em said between laughs.

“You could have just shaken me.” I said crossing my arm.

“But it wouldn’t have been as memorable, happy birthday Lexi now come and eat.” Emma said while giving me a hug. I had forgotten that it was my birthday due to my morning scare.

I sat on the stool next to Harry on my right and Em on my left. Liam had handed me two plates. One having two pancakes, the top one had a whoop crème smile and eyes with chocolate chips perfectly on top. The other had eggs, bacon, and hash browns. My mouth was watering just looking at it. “Happy birthday Alexis” Niall said, then Danielle, followed by Zayn, next Liam. I couldn’t help but smile and thank them. Just as I pick up my fork, I feel Harry by my ear.

“Happy birthday beautiful, 18, that makes a lot of things legal.” Jeez the chills shake may body. I think it's safe to say my face is probably red. Was Harry just flirting with me ‘Thee Harry Styles’? And he called me beautiful. He leaves my ear and I don’t look at him, just smile uncontrollably and focus on my pancakes. I could feel his devilish smirk. I began to dig in till I feel Harry’s strong hands on my thighs giving a squeeze, making my knee jerk up and hit the table, everyone eyes me with confusion.

“Sorry my foot got caught in the stool and I um had to pull it up, I guess I pulled to hard.” Everyone just went back to eating and I snapped to Harry’s face which was holding in a laugh as I hit his shoulder. I was about to tell him or should I say whisper him off when I was interrupted by Zayn.

“As soon as your done go get dressed we’ve got a lot planned.”

“Yeah and wear comfortable shoes and clothes but not too comfortable.” Said Niall after Zayn. Not knowing what comfortable and not too comfortable is, I looked at Em for help.

“Don’t worry I’ll help you.” Emma informed me and I gave him a warm smile. Then I felt a hand again this time moving up and down. Since I just woke up I was still in my short pajamas so I felt his warm, rough long fingers slide near my inner thighs. When I got the chills I jumped up and pulled Em to my room, if I stayed there I was going to let out a sound I didn’t want no one to hear.

“Um I’m going TO GO GET DRESSED!” and I shut my door. An hour later I was dressed and doing my hair. I had on my washed out shorts and a black braided belt from Forever 21, Em had picked out a dark blue button up tank with flowers on it. The bottom of the shirt was a tie so after I tied a perfect knot it showed a little over my bellybutton. I pin straighten my hair and put on some mascara and a small amount of eye liner going natural but a pretty natural. I had picked out my navy blue toms. Since Emma said we be out for a bit I was taking my small over the shoulder brown bag taking my chap stick, phone, phone charger, and extra money just in case. The boys had stopped me at the front door and said I needed to be blind folded. I got in the car and I realized I was sitting next to Harry again and no one else on my other side just the car door. Everyone was asking how I was doing, if the blind fold was too tight and if I had an idea of what was happening, which I was making me antsy. An hour passed by and I was trying to find Harry’s hand to see if he was awake seeing we were in the car for a long time. Once I found it I yanked on it and whispered his name.

“Yes, love?” he said in a calm low voice that would have every girl melt.

“Is everyone still there?” I laughed from the silence the car had.

“Yeah but Niall, Louis and Zayn are a sleep, Danielle and Liam are whispering stuff to each other, and your friend has his ear buds in. Why do you need something?” With every word he said I was dying.

“No just asking, by the way are we almost there?”

“Um another 30 minutes should be enough. If you’re tired you could lay on my shoulder for a quick nap.” Harry said, I wasn’t tired but what I wouldn’t do to rest for a bit on his shoulder.

“Please.” I said low and trying to sound sleepy. As soon as I said it Harry scooted closer to me, since I couldn’t see he directed my head to his shoulder. A few minutes later I found I was tired and drifting asleep. Harry had placed his head over mine and soon enough I was out like a light.

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