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I headed back to the bar. I sat there thinking, thinking how stupid I was thinking she would ever be mine. She’ll eventually fall for Harry; he gets every girl we set our eyes on.

“Hey!” I heard a feminine voice over my shoulder. I turned slowly to see a blond with dark blue eyes; she wore a dress that would probably rip off if she bent over.

“Um hi,” I yelled due to the loud music. She smiled and took the seat next to me.

“So I’m guessing you striked out.”

“Uh sorry?” Oh god was she watching.

“Don’t worry same here; hey you wanna get out of here?” She placed her hand on my forearm. Ah what the hell might as well I lost my chance. I grabbed her hand, on my way out I saw Harry against the wall with some random.

“Aye mate where’s the rest?” I said

“Uh Louis out on the dance floor with Niall and Alexis left a bit ago she said she wasn’t feeling well. You leaving too?” Harry asked.

“Yeah got a bite, see you at home.” With that I caught a cab and as soon as we were driving off I dove right in and started making out with the blond I had barely met.

I paid the driver and yanked the tipsy figure to my room. Wasting no time clothes were flying off and the bed covers flew over us.

Alexis’ POV

“-but when he kissed me I felt it, for real this time!” I was telling Emm and Liam about me and Zayn’s dance floor encounter. Alexa was already in bed.

“So you think you have feelings for him?” Liam asked. We were all sitting in Liam’s room.

“Well how else would I label the way he makes me feel. He makes me happy and smile and every time he touches me whether it’s just a nudge my stomach goes bizerk and feels like butterflies are going to fly out of my mouth.”

“Awe babe you’re in love.” Emm quirked and grabbed my hands

“You do make him happy and I don’t know anyone else who attempted to help him. He’s happier, he smiles more and laughs. You must understand when Perrie left him he was miserable and in a type of depressing era that we’ve all tried to get him out of. Sadly it was just too much but then you came along and brought out the Zayn we haven’t seen since X-Factor. The guys love you and I know Zayn really, really likes you.” As Liam finished his speech it was clear. I do like Zayn A LOT; I’ve just been too blind to see it.

Just then we heard the front door open and the boys must be home. Since Zayn is right next to Liam I knew he was home when I heard his door shut. I got up and fixed myself and took a deep breath.

“How do I look?” I said turning to Liam and Emm.

“Like Zayn’s new girlfriend.” Emm joked making me blush.

“You look perfect, now go make Zayn the happiest guy in the world.” Liam added before I stepped out.

I knocked on Zayn’s door a couple of times but no one answered. I heard movement and my name. I smiled he must know I was coming. I opened the door ready to leap into his arms and smiling like a fool.

“Zayn I-” I started but stopped. I froze not believing what’s right in front of me. I felt like I was going to be sick my heart in a million pieces, my knees too weak to move. My eyes burned with threatening tears. As I was about to yell I felt hands cover my mouth and pull me out and shut the door.

I turned to see Liam. With open arms and Emm was the one who shut the door. Not able to hold it in I ran to my room and collapsed on the floor. I covered my mouth not wanting to wake Alexa with my sobs. I felt arms wrap around me and rock me back and forth. I knew it was Liam, it smelled like him.

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