Chapter 6: The S.T's

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Niall woke us up pretty early around 6am, we headed straight to work. Last night couldn’t have gone worse. Niall got pretty mad at us but madder at himself for laughing along and not stopping us. Danielle and I went to work on the living room, Niall and Harry in the kitchen, Louis and Zayn sweeping. Danielle was quite, well we all were. We felt horrible it was only the first day and we managed to make her cry. Niall had been paying a lot of attention to her door for any signs of life. We were almost done, all we had left was to pick up the game stuff, mop, and kitchen counters. A few minutes later we heard a door slam and out came Alexis, she had tight black skinny jean on and an over sized shirt. You could tell she wasn’t over us since she walked straight past Zayn mopping. She was wearing black glasses so we couldn’t see her light brown eyes. Her cheeks were puffy and red. She had a black hobo bag slumped over her shoulder. Don’t get me started on her hair, not to be mean but it looked like a pack of monkeys picked at it, seeing it was going in different directions from the usual straightness. She grabbed a water bottle and we all just stood staring at her every move waiting. She stuffed the water bottle in her bag and headed towards the door.

I saw Harry moving towards her. “Wait please!” she had her hand on the door knob. Harry had caught her by her shoulder. She turned and looked at him, angrily even though she had shades on it burned through. He raised his hands up in surrender and stepped back. She opened the door widely and slammed it shut, making me cringe and Danielle jump. “I swear she burned a hole through my soul.” Harry said

“I’m a horrible person.” Danielle said slumping down on the couch.

“No you’re not. Stop saying that!” I informed her. Everyone was done and the house was spick and span. It was barely 8am, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl filled with cut fruits and brought it over to the boys and Danielle with toothpicks for each one of them. That was our breakfast. We laid there, all of us in the living room. We watched films, shows, and laugh a little but felt sad for doing it afterwards.

Three hours passed and it was already 11:30am. The door crashed opened making us jump, Alexis came in with bags that had a candy world sign on the outside, then a guy came in after her with a duffle bag and bags from the same place. He stood there awkwardly as Alexis went out the door again carrying in a luggage. His eyes diverted from us and whispered something in Alexis’ ear and she looked down and up to his gaze and nodded. His facial expression grew unhappy. He leaned down and picked up the bags she set down.

“Alexis?” Niall said, she popped up, whispered in the guy’s ear, and they both took off down the room leaving one bag behind. “She has to come get it sooner or later.” Niall said walking to the fridge.  The next thing we knew Alexis came sprinting out her room and dodged Zayn’s grab.

“Niall Niall!” Louis yelled but by the time he had ran from the fridge she was down the hall. Niall looked down the hall to see the guy standing by the door way laughing at him and shut the door.

“Bloody hell, she’s fast.” Niall said panting.

“And who the hell was that?” Louis asked about the guy.


I was so glad my best friend was here, I needed him more than anything right now. His name is Emanuel but I always called him Emma. Yes, I know what you’re thinking ‘Emma’s a girl name’ well he’s proudly gay and I loved his crazy, fun personality. We’ve been friends since middle school but got really close the summer after freshman year. We both graduated early because we’re that awesome.

“You need to get over it! You’ve always got crap from people, don’t let it stop you.” Emma said. He was right but that whole day was a mess. Being made fun of by Michelle and Kathy, earning death glares from the team, coming home to a messy house and being made fun of by a girl I don’t even know.

“I hate it when you’re right but I don’t want to go out there and let them think it was okay and cleaning THEIR mess the next day thinking that would make me happy.” I bit down on the candy bar, I was on my 2nd one. When I met up with Emma we went out to the mall and bought as much candy as we could carry. We always handled drama by sitting down together and binging on candy. I had only told Emma about the girls on the team and the messy house, we came to a conclusion that I was just stressed out. I left out the Danielle part because if I did he would have went all ghetto and flipped out on her. We sat at the island peering at them, with glasses of ice and Pepsi.  I caught a glance at Niall and looked down. The worst mistake I made was letting Emanuel see our eye contact, he always picked at me and making kissy faces teasingly.

“So you and um… oh I know this um…NIALL FAMOUS HORAN!  What’s with you googly eyeing him?” He said giving me his usual nosy smile.

“He’s nice but we're just friends I guess or not, I don’t know we spent most of yesterday together. Just playing around though.” I said Emma came back from the fridge with a couple of string cheeses.

“Mmhm, playing around…” ugh here we go again.

“I’m serious!” I said in defense. We stayed there for a while laughing and making jokes. I had to leave in a while with Emma, he designed the team’s uniforms and they always got the highest scores at competitions. That’s what his suit case was for. I felt really sad knowing he was only here for a short time. I came back from the room with my practice clothes on and my binder that held all of the cheer documents. Emma was done before me so he took his suit case and got everything ready to leave. I walked to the kitchen wondering where the sassy boy was then I see him outside talking to the group.

Ugh what is he doing? I stomped to the door and forcefully pulled it open. “Oh hey Alexis I was just chatting with One Direction oh my god, oops sorry but oh my god.” Emma was a fan, a directioner if you call it. He fangirled the whole way home from the air port when I told him of the other house guest.

“Its okay we’re used to it, by the way how do you two know each other?” Liam asked.

“Oh well me and Alexis are like besties or best mates as you guys probably say…oh no I stereo-blurred?” Emmanuel stammered off. I rolled my eyes, if he only knew.

“Stereo- what.” Harry said in a quizzing voice.

“Oh me and Alexis made this lingo or language up when we were younger and since Alexis usually got teased by the cheer virgins oo which is another one which means people who don’t know cheer, they did that whole cheer stereotype thing like the usual ‘Y’ figure, yeah well we would be all like ‘You don’t know us so stop yo stereo- blurren and finish drawing on your eyebrows, swerve and we walked away total bad asses.” After his little ramble I saw all their faces look like they saw a ghost.


“Yeah?” he looked so happy I almost let out a laugh.

“Uh we got to go.” I said trying to pull him away.

“Oh are you guys out for a date?” Louis said making Emma laugh so hard I thought he was going to fall in the pool. God he’s trying hard.

“If only she wished but I’m proudly strictly dickly…” when they gave him a confusing look he laughed more. “I meant I’m proudly gay.”

“So you’re not Alexis boyfriend?” Niall said making me blush.

“No, remember, besties.” Please, an asteroid hit me now. “But she has someone in mind.” Emanuel said giving Niall a wink making him smirk like a fool, okay someone give me a gun to end my embarrassment.

“EMMA!” I sternly let out. How could he do that? I only thought of Niall as a friend. My blood was boiling.

“What!?” I couldn’t hold it in, I couldn’t let him think they were okay, nice people.

“EMMA THEY'RE S.T’s” I gave out our code that meant stereotypers.

He sent them a cold look and got up. “Lex I didn’t know um…”

“Let’s just go.” I said pooling him in the hose and picking up our bags.

“All of them?” he questioned, his crush on them still controlling his mind.

“No just the pretty bitch.” I didn’t mean to call her that it slipped out from my anger.

Practice was going to be tough.

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