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Alexa’s POV

I woke up before everybody and figured breakfast would be the best way to make a good impression. I threw on my cross lace muscle tee, my favorite black cut off shorts and to top it off my black fold over combat boots. I walked in the kitchen and opened every drawer and cabinet to get situated with my surroundings. I pulled out pancake mix, eggs, and bacon. I was finished in an hour and been waiting 5 minutes for everyone to get up. I rolled my eyes seeing no sign of life I took matter into my own hands.

I knocked three times on everyone’s door and shook Emm awake. Alexis was already in the shower when I went in. I ran back down the hall and yelled ‘BREAKFAST IS READY!’ and took my seat at the kitchen island.

As soon as I looked up from pouring my orange juice I saw him walking towards me in just boxers, shirtless, and thank god for his sexy abs.

“Morning, Oo pancakes.” Niall said sitting on the other side in front of me. “LADS COME EAT BEFORE I EAT IT ALL!” His yelling snapped me out of my stare. “You okay love?”

“Uh um uh I um excuse me for a second.” I said and ran to Alexis’ room. I looked back to see if he was looking and when I turned forward again I was knocked down.

“Oh my I’m sorry sweetie I didn’t see you there are you alright?” I looked up and saw Louis in just his boxers. DID NO ONE OWN PANTS!? I nodded and just crawled past him to Alexis’ door. I know I may have looked ridiculous crawling on the floor but I don’t think I could walk with the site of abs and oh god off track.

I closed the door and sat on the floor against the wall. Alexis poked her head out the bathroom and started to laugh.

“What on earth are you doing?” She went back in and I got up and entered to see she was straightening her hair. “Cute outfit but what were you doing on the floor?” I grabbed the straightener from her hand and felt like finishing it off and got a smile in return.

“Okay so I made breakfast and the first person I see is Niall. ALMOST NAKED!” I said, just then I heard loud shifting. Me and Alexis turned to face the open door, couple seconds later Emm’s at the door panting.

“Did…you just say Niall…is naked?” He said in between pants. Me and Alexis chuckled while he walked and sat himself on the toilet seat.

“Ha ha no…he’s in his boxers. Done wow your hairs so long.” I said examining her hair that was almost to her butt.

“Yeah I haven’t cut it in years anyways I’m hungry and I asked for the week off so we have plans today.” Alexis said. We raced down the hall and we were at the end when all of a sudden Alexis stopped and said “Break check!” since I was going full speed I crashed into her hard making us slam on the floor and I fell on top of her. I looked up and we were all laughing and I see Emm on the floor holding his stomach laughing.

I got up and helped Alexis once we were standing me and her rubbed our boob.

“Ow you hurt my boob.” We said in unison.

“Jinx! Jinx! Jinx! Pinch poke you owe me a coke. JINX!” We said in unison I finally gave up and laughed. We both turned to the boys to see them laughing quietly.

“How ever could we have known you guys were sisters.” Harry said.

“Yeah other than the fact you two look like you could be identical twins.” Louis added.

“Really hmm well another would be we have the same birthmark.” Alexis said turning me so we were both back faced to them and she lifted the back corner of our shirts. I looked back and saw we had the same heart birthmark on the side of our hips, hers on the right and mine on the left.

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