Chapter 30: ...

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Alexis' POV

Sitting crying and feeling sorry for myself as Perrie finished yelling at me, she told me that if I was strong enough to stay strong through 5 years of not cutting why would I do it now, if I could live without a family or deal with a mom who never cared why break now. The anger boiled in me my numbness disappeared as the she kept bringing up my mom, what did she know she's famous for all she cares.

"This is showing your mom she won!" She spat I had enough of the torturous words ringing in my ears. I got up and turned to her while she was sitting at the edge of the bed.

"You want to know why I cut before; I struggled through life did you? Did you have to go through 8 years of teasing and being pushed, being called the walking blob, did you have to go home in tears to being starved because you had to give your little sister food because your mom was a drug addict? Did you have to be hurt and mentally drained every time your mom's boyfriends beat you? You and all those people have no clue what I went through what I left my sister to. I can't take it anymore I can't live I can't feel anymore, like he said I'm broken and like humpty dumpty you can't put me back together. You can't take back the scars the memories the words burned in your mind." I ran out of breath and collapsed letting everything drain out. "Why are you here anyways didn't you break up?"

"Yes but when he told me the big mistake he did he didn't know how to fix it." I heard her say.

"So he sent you to pick at me to shatter me even more?"

"No, Alexis you finally found a reason." The door closed and she was out of the room. I hate me I hate me so much. They want me to have a reason; I've found it.

Now what?

Harry's POV

Perrie finally came out of Alexis' room after an hour. We stood up but she only passed us and went in Zayn's room. What was she doing here?

She came out moments later. "Bye boys, Eleanor."

"Wait, w-what did you do?" I asked before she left.

"Found the reason, and don't shut Zayn out or you'll have another thing coming." And she shut the door.

"I-I'm going to check up on Alexis." I said walking to her door. I knocked and entered hearing nothing. She was sat on the bed only giving a view of the back of her jumper. "Alexis?" She glanced at me from the corner of her eye.

"What was it you needed to tell me?" She said her voice hoarse. Nerves caught up to me.

"Uh I-I don't think now is the time." I tried to improvise.

"Please," I sighed and sat in front of her.

"Do you know why I wouldn't let you use my phone the other day?" She just shook her head, "Because of this..."

Alexis' POV

Harry handed me his phone which was open to an email. As I read it I just became more confused and annoyed.

"You're adding another room to your house?" I handed him his phone back.

"Well not really, I'm making room for a special person at Louis' and mine. I just looked down,

"Who's the lucky girl?" I said feeling more down.

"You'll love her; she has long dark brown hair, really funny, smiles a lot, long beautiful legs, she's lightly tan to perfection and makes me really happy." Why was he telling me this was he trying to hurt me? Was that their main goal today or something? I closed my eyes trying to keep in the water that so badly wanted to spill. He picked up my head and directed me to his eyes.

"See I haven't asked her yet and I've been waiting for the right time but she's going through a lot and I wanted to ask you how do I tell her?" He said.

"Just be straight forward because you can lose her at any point." I just wanted my day to end,

"Okay I will, so Alexis I'm being straight forward, will you move in with me, I can't live without you right now, your smile, your laugh, the jokes you tell, your long brown hair, your beautiful long legs and your beautiful light beach tan that is like eye candy, Alexis I've been thinking about this for a while and I don't want to leave here in a week without you. Will you please come live with me...well and Louis?


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