Chapter 5: What have we done?

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“COME ON! POINT THOES TOES! THOES TOES KATHY!” I was teaching the girls the steps to our new cheer. Nationals were in a month and I was freaking out. “LINE UP!” I knew I was being harsh but that’s just me. The other day I heard Kathy and Michelle mocking me when I told them that they needed to turn on 3. The girls thought I was a bitch and I know I was. I loved to win, coming in 2nd, third or runner up made my blood boil. The girls and guys lined up and I was about to go over stunts. I wasn’t just the manager and captain, I was the highest flyer, the main flyer but I wanted to give Michelle and Kathy a piece of mind.

“I want to try a new stunt, I need my usual base guys and Michelle and Kathy as my two flyers.” Seeing their faces was priceless.

“F-flyers…”Kathy stuttered. I knew she was afraid of heights. Michelle was just as bad.

“Yes, is that a problem? Since you love to hear me tell you to turn on three. Right Michelle, get in formation…NOW!” as they went into position, Kathy was sweating like a dog and Michelle was shaking like a chihuahua.

“Ready, 1 and two and up and 3, tuck those legs in girls, sta…” and there they came tumbling down. I crouched down to the pile they laid in. “Now, you may want to stick to base work, don't you?” they both nodded vigorously. “Okay so I’m guessing you won’t HAVE A PROBLEM TURNING ON THREE!” I rose my voice and stood up. “OKAY SPRING ROUTINE AGAIN!”

I was on my way home or temporary home. Since my mom disowned me, finding Nicky and John, the head directors of the cheer hall. Nicky trained me for months and made me her own personal project. I was the cheer captain in 2 weeks on Nicky’s team and took her place when she wanted to just direct the hall. The girls say I’m just like her pushy and loud, I didn’t care. She was like a mom and funded my stay at the house.

The house, “Sir what time is it.” I asked my driver.

“A little over 10pm. I’ll get you home as fast as I can ma,am.”

“No its fine I just needed the time.” I smiled at him in the rear view mirror. About 20 minutes later I was at the front door. I pulled up my duffle bag from slumping down and pushed in my key. I walked into a mess, Chinese boxes everywhere, water bottles around the house, game controllers sprawled around the living room and dishes left from today piled in the kitchen sink. I walked to the extra living area seeing all of them sitting around but one extra person was next to Liam hands intertwined. I dropped my bag, loud as I could, I was furious. They could have had the decency to clean up after themselves.  

They all turned to me in the door way. “Alexis!” Niall said standing up and heading over to me.

“Niall can I talk to you for a moment.” I said glaring at the group behind Niall.

Niall lead me out of their sight. “Alexis you look…um…”

“Tired, mad? Because that’s what I am. What happened to this place? It’s a mess; food boxes everywhere, bottles, controllers, trash!” I couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“Where were you? We were waiting for you to eat but…”

“I was at practice.” I took a deep breath calming down. “Who’s the girl?” I said remembering the figure I hadn’t seen her face yet.

“Oh come here.” Niall said dragging me to the room. The girl was almost as tall as Liam, had beautiful tanned skin, and sparkling eyes. She wore a smile that could bright up the room.

“Alexis this is Danielle, Danielle this is Alexis. Danielle is my girlfriend.” Liam said.

“Danielle this is our house mate.” Niall concluded. She extended her hand to shake which I happily took it.

“I’m so sorry I don’t look better I just got back from practice.” I said pushing strands from my messy pony tail away from my face.

“It’s fine you look beautiful, um practice?” she questioned.

“Oh cheer, I practice at the cheer hall. You know the building with the hug star at the top. I’m the team captain slash manager. Um well I’m really sorry but I’m really tired.” They gave me a smile and I was on my way, as I was half way down the hall I remembered my bag. As I walked back I could hear laughing and squeaky voices. When I peered through the door way I felt tears sting my eyes. There I was seeing the girl I just met doing the stereotype cheerleader moves and everyone laughing.

“Give me a-oh um.” She turned, when she saw me she put her hands down and looked like she saw a ghost. The boys stopped laughing and stood up.

“I-,” Liam started but I cut him off.

“You think it’s funny? Funny that I have to put up with people like you.” I said directing my view to Danielle, she put her head down, “Always having the typical person think they know how to cheer and some say it’s the easiest shit.” I was furious, tears burned my cheeks.

“Ale-,” Zayn said but like Liam, I shut him up.

“I’m tired and then I come home to a fucking shit house, the human thing to do was you guys could have fucking cleaned up after yourself!” I yelled and picked up my bag and stormed off to my room and slammed the door shut.


Oh no.

“I-I I didn’t mean I-I,” Danielle said tears coming out her eyes burring in Liam’s arms.

“It’s okay, we all messed up.” I said. I looked down and saw Niall with his head in his hands. “Mate you okay?” I patted him on the shoulder.

He got up “No! I’m going to bed, I think you guys should too. We need to get up early, the least we can do is clean up the physical mess we made.” Niall said, at that point we looked around the house. It was trash.

What have we done?

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