Chapter 4: Confused

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It was already 4pm, Niall and Alexis haven’t come out. Every now and then I looked towards Niall’s door waiting for them to and every now and then I catch Harry doing the same. Louis and Liam came out of their rooms an hour ago, Louis had made up with Eleanor and Liam made plans for Danielle to fly over for the rest of the week. Eleanor was busy I guess. Liam asked where the two run off to, me and Harry just moved our eyes to Niall’s door hearing laughter and faint screams. We were all sitting in the living area when, “Eeeek! Stop!” Alexis comes running out smiling with the bottom of her tank risen a little, showing her bottom half of her stomach.

Harry got up and was walking to the kitchen when Alexis grabbed hold of him a scurried behind him. “Harry save me!” Alexis said using Harry as a shield. I saw Niall trailing to get her. Why couldn’t Perrie and I have that? No! No Perrie.

“What’s he doing love?” Harry peered over his shoulder.

“He found my ticklish spot.” She squirmed behind Harry as Niall got closer. When Niall reached out for her she booked it to the back yard with Niall running after her.

“Aye Mate!” Harry yelled after Niall stopping him just before he left the door frame.


 “What you want for dinner?”

“I’m not hungry!” Niall yelled and got back to Alexis. I stood up and turned to see Harry, Louis, and Liam with my same expression, surprised. Liam had dropped his phone with the shape of the phone from his hand still by his ear, Harry dropped his water bottle, and Louis was same as me, surprised was an understatement.

“Niall- did Niall just say he wasn’t hungry, like THEE NIALL HORAN?” I said snapping them out of their frozen state.

Liam picked his phone up, “Sorry babe, but Niall just said he wasn’t hungry…I know!”

“How the hell did Niall get in there before me?” We turned and looked outside seeing Alexis straddled on top of Niall pinning him and getting up running back in.

She was headed right towards me, I just know it. As she opened the door I was right. “ZAYN!” she yelled and leaped in my arms. She was so light, her hair was almost down to her bum, she had her head tucked in the curve of my neck, her smell of-of I don’t even know was intoxicatingly good. I wrapped my arms around her when Niall came through the door. She wiggled and climbed up me a bit like I was a tree. She pulled back but still on me turning her head towards a panting Niall.

“Okay- okay you win.” Niall said plopping down on the couch. Alexis looked over meeting my gaze, she smiled and kissed my cheek.

“Thank you my fine hero, for protecting me from Lord Can’t keep His Hands Away.” Alexis said. I carried her over to the kitchen where Harry was looking through the numbers. I set her on the counter next to Harry she leaned over looking at the take out places “Oo-Oo China Kitchen is really good.”

“Chinese food?” Harry looked at her. I handed her a bottle of water. “LADS!” Harry shouted making Alexis cup her ears. “Oops sorry”

She giggled and started to play with the hem of my shirt. I couldn’t help but notice her shoulder dimples. I poked at the right one making her look at my hand and smile up at me. “I think you’re the first to notice them.” She said

“Notice what?” Louis said coming from around the corner.

“My shoulder dimples,”

“What?” Niall said getting off the couch. He came in next to, me eyeing the cute little dents. “Those weren’t there earlier” he said crossing his arms and sticking his nose in the air.

“Cause maybe someone kept falling, tripping, and was too busy TICKILING me to notice.”  Alexis said ruffling with his hair. To break her attention from Niall I questioned her a bit more.

“So where you from?” I asked

“Washington, Washington Seattle.”

“Um…how old are you?”

“I’m seventeen but I’ll be 18 on Thursday.”

“Oo celebration!” Louis added. We were all waiting for Liam to come and ask if he was okay with Chinese food.

“LIAM!” Harry shouted again. I turned around so Alexis could get on me back.

“Piggy back ride?”

“Oh how lovely, yes sir.” She said and wrapping her legs around me, and we took off to the sofas.

We sat there for a while, playing a game I was sadly losing. She was doing positions, many difficult, and I had to try to attempt them. We were half way in when Alexis' phone went off from her room. She popped up faster than I could and ran to her room slamming shut the door. I looked at the boys in the kitchen island and we all had the same confused look. We’ve had these awkward stares with each other a lot lately. Alexis came out 5 minutes later in sweats and a hoody with a pink duffle bag. “I’ll be back before dinner bye.” And that was it out the door.

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