Chapter 11: "Can you show me?"

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“Thank you guys so much, it was the best birthday EVER!” I said for the 20th time today. We were on our way home. Niall was talking to Cheska. Cheska was one of the few nice girls I liked on the squad. Apparently she and Niall had clicked while we were at the theme park, Niall invited her back to the house. Em had left an hour before we did, he had only planned to fly out till today. Liam and Danielle were crashed out, Zayn asleep along with Louis.

Harry and I spent most of today together laughing, messing around with each other, and me watching him hit on every female food vender there. I like where our friendship was going. I can’t wait to see the benefit part. What? I’m just like all the other hormonal teens. We finally pulled up to the house, Niall and Cheska immediately went to his room, Liam and Danielle headed back too. Zayn, Louis, Harry and I were wide awake went to the living room. “I don’t want this day to end yet.” I said seeing we weren’t planning to sleep yet.

“I’ve got an idea, a game, the famous game Truth or Dare.” Zayn suggested and we all nodded.

“Wait let’s make it more interesting.” I said and got up, heading to my room. Being the cheer captain and maintaining everything is stressing and the meeting I went to yesterday, Nicky gave me a bottle of Skyy Vodka and trusted I wouldn’t abuse her trust. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed 4 shot glasses.

“Okay every time we get ask truth or dare take a shot but if you don’t want to answer or do it you take another.” I said way too happy.

“Wait wait wait, isn’t the legal age 21 here?” Louis said

“What you never broken a rule? So what it’s not like we’re going to go all Hangover movie.” I said making a point. The guys shrugged and filled their glasses.

2 hours and twenty seven shots later we were all done with the bottle. Louis and Zayn, way too drunk to do another anyways, I took the liquor quite well, feeling tipsy but fully aware. I turned to Harry as he laughed at Louis pretending his hands we’re puppets and Zayn pretending to be dog scaring off the puppets.

“I’m guessing they’re the fun drunks?” I said making Harry turned to me.

“Yeah they’re a blast...hey member how we had that friends with benefit conversation?” Harry brought up.

“Yeah why?” I said, oh no what if he doesn’t want it any more, wait why do I care, but what I would to see him shirtless and oh my… NO calm down.

“Well I was thinking you want to go to my room and do stuff. If you don’t its fine but I, it’s just been so long.” Harry said rubbing the back of his neck and looking down. I was nervous, I’m still a virgin and don’t want to not be anytime soon, I just wasn’t ready. Ugh I had to let him know.

“Look Harry I would but I'm uh I'm kind of still a virgin and I’m just not ready. I-'" I was cut off by him.

“You know there’s other ways to find pleasure than just sex.” Harry said bringing his right knee towards his chest and placing his hand on top.

“I’m new to that area, like really new, I was just, um could show me?” I felt my cheeks blush and my nerves getting my stomach in knots.

“My pleasure.” He got up and held out a hand, which I gladly took. “My room or yours?” he said once we were up. I was pressed against his chest before scooting back a bit.

“Um, yours.” He nodded and took my hand and was guiding me out.

“Wait what about them?” I said stopping Harry and turning to see Louis and Zayn passed out on the carpet.

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