Chapter 13: A whole lot of Point of Views

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“COME IN!” I was in my bathroom trying to attempt a fish tail braid, which I was failing miserably, just something different from the usual messy bun for practice when Danielle and Eleanor popped in.

“Hey are you busy?” Danielle said coming in and sitting next to me on the sink. Since I have a big sink I sit cris cross in the middle of it.

“Uh no just trying to finish my hair for practice why what’s up?” I said struggling with it. I guess Eleanor noticed and took hold.

“Here let me,” Eleanor said chuckling and undoing my mess.

“Just wondering, thought we’d come and see why you were in your room so long.”

“Practice for what?” Eleanor joined in from behind me.

“Cheerleading.” I said uneasy, afraid to receive a snide comment. I was in no mood for another confrontation.

“Wow, no wonder you’re so pretty and skinny, BUT a beautiful skinny uh like…” Eleanor rambled on trying to save herself from a back hand compliment. Though she was in no need of apologizing.

“It’s fine thank you. I could say the same about you two.” I said trying to get on their good sides. Not that I cared if I did, but it’d make this who living arrangement easier.

“Awe, so anyways is it boring?” Danielle said.

“No not really, it’s kind of interesting and challenging sometimes, but,” then it clicked, “you know what, instead of boring you guys on the run down, why don’t you come with me to practice?” I was way too happy.

“Oh no, we don’t want to intrude.”

“Yeah we don’t want to get you in trouble.”

 “They won’t mind you. Please you could help out around there if you like. PLEASE!” I said practically begging. Well I was I guess.

“Mmm” I waited as they looked at each other. “Okay I’m in.” Danielle said.

“If Danielle’s okay with it-, wait I just got back what about Louis?” Eleanor said.

"I have an idea.” I said handing Eleanor a rubber band.  “Oh my gosh I love it thank you, now follow me.” I said walking to the living room. As soon as I got in I saw the boys all spread out Zayn and Niall on the floor, Louis and Liam on the couch, and Harry in the love seat. I went in front of the TV and turning it off I earned a few groans.

“Hey I wa-,” Louis said, Danielle and Eleanor joining in back of me.

“Everyone, get dressed in casual clothing and be ready in a half an hour.” I said and walked back to my room with the girls following.

I walked out with my duffle bag on my shoulder and my cheer binders in my hands. Danielle and Eleanor were waiting in the living room with the guys who surprisingly listened. My usual driver picked us up and we arrived at the cheer hall in 20 minutes. The boys all filed out the car and when we walked in Nicky stopped us by the practice door.

“Uh, Alexis what is this?” Nicky said eyeing the boys and the girls.

“Don’t worry, it’s a test for the girls.” I said

“A test?” Nicky raised her eye brow.

“Yeah, see the girls will be performing at the collage stadium and well if they can’t handle the pressure of performing in front of a famous boy band then they’re not ready for thousands of random people.” I came up with the plan when Eleanor brought up Louis in the bathroom.

“Wow, good thinking, have fun boys…and girls.” with that she walked away. We still had about 15 minutes till practice but I usually used that time to set up. The guys set up the mats and the girls got their chairs out. Before the team arrived I told the guys to pretend that they were judging the girls and writing flaws they saw, which they were just going to be scribbling on a note pad every so often.

“Hey I didn’t know you were captain.” Eleanor said

“Yeah and cheer creator, uniform designer, director, yeah pretty much the Jesus of cheer.” Eleanor smiled and laughed along, then the team started to arrive. Dani and El lined up on the side of me. The team got in the usual formation and waited looking at the boys whispering to one another.

“Okay ladies and gentlemen today is a very special practice. The famous One Direction boy band and their girlfriends are here to be judges. They will be paying very close attention to the routines and writing down every flaw you make, so when the time comes to the university performance you’ll be perfect.” Seeing the girls nervous was reassurance that I love this idea. “Okay formation everybody lets go.”


Oh my god Cheska is here, I totally forgot she was on Alexis’ team. “Hey isn’t that the girl you brought home last night?” Zayn whispered. Shit my hands are getting clammy. I keep accidently scribbling a dick on the paper ugh.

“Shh she’ll hear.” I said nudging him, oh god she saw me. She gave me a little secret wave and I smiled back. Crap. Wait am I not worthy of a real wave, is she regretting that night? Do I regret it? Ha not at all. Not. At. All.


Damn! I watched as these guys threw up girls on each end and Alexis do a back flip in place. These girls are talented; I’d be scared as hell if someone just threw me up that high. I saw Alexis get in between these two guys. She held them at the shoulder and they lifted her up. I couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous of them, I mean they practically are fondling her, like their hands are touching her ass. Pfft I can pick her up like that.

Wait wait why do I care I get to hit that. Whoa that sounded bad, thank god no one can read my mind. Wait can they? I looked around, nope. Wow I’m weird I just looked around to see if someone could hear my thoughts ha. Okay I’m going to stop talking to myself.


How do they even bend like that? Wait did that guy just do the spits? HOW ARE THEY NOT DIZZY? That’s it mind blown.


Ha that guy totally just squeezed her ass.


Did I eat breakfast? Wait did I even have lunch?


How the hell do they stay up there so long? I’d be falling on my face right about now. Can I even bend my legs like that?

Shit! I forgot Louis’ sandwich on the counter.


I couldn’t even handle a cartwheel without stumbling a bit, how the hell you do 4 back flips in a row?


This guy totally just squeezed my butt.

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