Chapter 26: THE COOKIE

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Harry’s POV

“I’ll have a strawberry milkshake, an order of fries, a bacon cheese burger, a side of dip sticks (deep fried cheese sticks), ranch sauce and a glass of water.”

“I’ll have the same”

“Me too”

“I second the notion”

“Uh same”

“Defiantly the same” the boys said.

“Alexis can you honestly eat all that? I mean no judgment but you’re pretty small.” Harry exclaimed.

“I may have been born a small girl but I swear I have the appetite for two.” Alexis joked.

“I think I’m in love.” Niall said making Alexis and the lads laugh.

“By the way thanks for inviting us we almost thought you guys went and ate without us.” Louis said

“Hey, so what you guys get done this time?” Liam asked

“Well I got that ‘g’ I was telling you about and Zayn got the bird out line and Alexis well uh that reminds me we never asked, what did you get?” I said turning my head towards Alexis who was looking out the restaurant window. It was sprinkling so she played with the fog on the glass. “Alexis?” I piped seeing she didn’t respond to me the first time.

Niall nudge her and she snapped around, “Sorry, I spaced out.”

“Your tattoo what is it.” Zayn questioned.

Alexis pulled out her left hand from her jumper and started to unwrap the saran wrap from her finger.  

“My grandmother once told me if you get a taste of freedom than it’s possible to do anything, she was a free spirited woman she told me if I loved and worked hard at anything I could do anything. She drew me a symbol, I had went to her for advise to join cheerleading I was afraid they would make fun of me cause I was 200 pounds and couldn’t run a mile without passing out, she passed away a day after that I was 13 and promised myself I would try and try for her. My mom when in a downward spiral after that when the funds she left us ran out. Sometimes I think the only reason I pushed myself so hard is because I wanted that taste of freedom.” Alexis was looking down at her hand under the table before she smiled up with tears threatening to spill. She picked up her hand by her face and placed her index finger on top of her middle one and her thumb under.(PICTURE IS ON THE SIDE)

The word ‘Freedom’ was written in cursive on the inside of her middle finger with a bird at the end.

“Now I not only had the taste of freedom but now I will always hold it in my hands.” As she finished she smiled and the waiter along with two other with our order.

“So who’s ready to be eaten out by a tiny girl?” Alexis said, we all looked at each other shocked, she picked up her burger ready to take a bite, “Ew you dirty minded people.”


“Oh. My. God, I can’t believe you ate more than Niall.” Liam said, we just finished watching Alexis out eat all of us even Niall.

“I told you, when I’m hungry I eat.” We all chuckled at Alexis’ remark.

“Okay so like no to marriage?” Niall said

“Ha ha dream on lover boy, can we go now?” She asked. We were all full and it was 10:30 way passed closing time. We got up and Alexis slung her arm over me she looked up and gave me a cheeky smile.

“Bye Monica thanks!” Alexis yelled to the women behind the counter.

“See ya babe you too Zayn don’t be strangers now.” The lady I’m guessing whose name is Monica said. Zayn gave a small smile and wave. We all got in the car we came in and in a matter of minutes we were home.

Alexis went to her room and washed up, she came out changed from the sports bra and shorts.

“So you and uh Miranda aye.” Louis teased Zayn.

“Shut up.” He retorted

I watched as Alexis came in the living room and sat on Liam’s lap.

“Seriously how were you 200 pounds, like look at you!?” Liam exclaimed as he picked her up and kind of lifted her up and down as she giggled and yelped.

“Ha ha put…me down!” She said between laughs. Right when he set her back down a roar of thunder hit making us all jump.

“See what happens when you don’t obey Goddess Alexis.” Alexis said jokingly with a hint of seriousness. “Can I see your twitter again?”

“What happened to yours?” Liam said handing her his phone.

“It’s boring no one follows me well no one interesting.” After she said that I gave the boys all a look. Liam’s phone started to ring but as Liam tried to answer it Alexis took off with it. “Oh hey Dani!” she put it on speaker.

“Alexis phone!” Liam said serious.

“Um why do you have Liam’s phone?” Danielle asked.

“Oh I was on his twitter but you guys must wanna chat bye, here.” She handed him his phone and trotted over to me and sat on my lap. She held out her hand.

“No!” I said

“Pwease.” She pouted

“that may work for Niall but no.”

“Fine be like that just know you don’t get the cookie.” She got up

“What, we just ate.” I exclaimed, she walked back and leaned down by my ear.

“Not that cookie.” And she sat on the floor by the window.

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