Chapter 32: FLATLINING

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"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to mourn the death of the young Alexis Phoenix Brooks. Now will Alexa please come up for a few words." The priest said as he stepped down from the podium while Alexa shakingly took his place.

"Without Alexis when I was younger, I probably wouldn't be here. She was like a mom to me; she sacrificed so much, too much, to keep me healthy and alive. Without her I wouldn't be with a new family that cares, loves and takes care of me the way a family should. Alexis was the kind of girl who you want around when you felt down. Her jokes, her laugh, her smile would," the tears started to roll down her cheeks as her words got caught in her throat, "would light up the world. 5 years apart was the hardest years without her, but now knowing I have to live in a world completely without her will be more than hard almost impossible. I-I" She couldn't speak any more as the sobs took over her words. A woman who must have been Aunt Monica went up and helped her down.

"Please stand for one last prayer and a moment of silence as we send Alexis with peace, love, and to a better place." The priest said as we bowed our head and spoke to her though our thoughts. The quiet was depressing with only the sound muffled cries. They started to lower Alexis in the place she would be for the rest of the world existence.

I couldn't just stand here, the pain hurt too much. "No she can't leave no!" I jumped towards her; I hugged the white box she was placed in, "No!"

"Harry, I know we all are going to miss her, but she's going to a better place now." I turned to see Alexa kneeling next to me, looking at her hurt seeing she looked exactly like Alexis but younger.

"She promised me she would never leave me," with that I sat there in Alexa's arms crying and hurt. A hand was placed on my shoulder, through my glossy eyes I opened them slow to see Alexis in kneeling in front of me while I still wept over Alexa's shoulder.

I blinked almost a hundred times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. She got up and stood in front of me,

"I'll fix these broken things, repair your broken wings, and make sure every thing's all right. Tell me darling do you wish we'd fall in love? Cuz nothing feels like home when you're a thousand miles away I wanna wrap you up, wanna kiss your lips; I wanna make you feel wanted. I have been to sorrow, I have been to bliss, where I'll be tomorrow, I can only guess. Settle down with me. Cover me up. Cuddle me in. lie down with me. Hold me in your arms."  She turned around and began to walk away with every lyric that sang out of her voice, walking away in an all white dress, as she got farther and farther she got lighter and lighter.

"No don't leave me, please don't leave me," I yelled out reaching for her.


"Alexis don't leave me!"

"Harry, wake up!"

"Please don't leave me I need you." My heart raced with the more I couldn't see her.

"Harry, harry wake up." The lights went black; I blinked to go back to her,

"Harry come on wake up!" I blinked one more time, and opened to see Liam shaking me awake.

"Liam?" I said confused

"Mate you were yelling again, it was just a dream."  I sat up from the hospital couch I've been sleeping on for the past two days. I looked behind Liam to see Alexis lying in the same position since Monday hooked up to the machine that kept her heart beating and the I.Vs and the oxygen. I looked down to my hands; Liam was still kneeling in front of me.

"She's not getting better is she?" I spoke in my morning voice; Liam just looked down and said nothing.

"I think you should go back with Louis today, you could use some fresh clothes and a shower, maybe a good nap in a comfortable bed." He said standing up.

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