Chapter 7: "...a fight"

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She’s not taken; she’s single and likes me. Do I really want a girlfriend right now? Wait doesn’t she hate us? Ugh I’m so confused!  “Niall you want pizza or K.F.C?” Liam shouted from the kitchen. Take out again? I was tired of it but neither of us was in the mood to cook on the only week we would have to ourselves.

“K.F.C, we had Pizza Hut Sunday the day we got here, remember.” I said. It was already Tuesday night and Alexis has been out for hours.

“So Niall, how you been?” Danielle said plopping down next to me on the couch.

“Good really, visited the family over the break. It was good to be reminded where I came from and the smell of the Irish.” I said chuckling at the end. “You know the sweet smell of grass and pubs.”

“That’s good.” I and Danielle were good friends; I don’t get to see Eleanor a lot but we were friends. We sat at the kitchen island like always and dug in our chicken. A few minutes later Alexis walked in with Emma or Emanuel I don’t know but her friend. She was struggling with a box and her duffle bag. Emma had a box but looked like he could handle it.

I took the chance to help and get close to her. I jumped off the stool and walked towards her. The box was about to tip over when I heaved forward and caught it. “Here let me help you.” I said wrapping my arms around the surprisingly light box, I kept a calm and cool expression as if it was no big deal. She looked up at me and tucked her left side of her straight hair behind her ear and smile.

“Oo food I’m starving.” The guy said, I laughed a bit.

“Emm…” Alexis whined in a hush tone and nudge him in the stomach.

“It’s okay, there’s enough for the both if you would like to join us.” Liam said

“No-Okay” Emanuel and Alexis said at the same time. Alexis eyed him and he bent down to her ear and whispered something in her ear. They are always whispering and its bugging me. “Fine.” She gritted through her teeth. “Come with me. You can place the box in my room, if you don’t mind.”

“Just lead the way.” I said waiting for her move. We entered Alexis’ room and there were big pink binders stacked on her night stand, and candy wrappers all over her bed.

“Want one.” The guy said handing me one from a bag. I took it thankfully.

“Thanks just don’t tell Liam I’ve got it, he’ll take it. He says I’m too hyper in the first place.” I joked.

“You can place them in the closet, I’m going to shower off practice. Em you go and eat I’ll be out in a minute.” Alexis said as I walked to the closet not expecting what I see.

“It’s cool huh?” Em said leaning against the door frame. I put the box down and slid it next to the one he brought in. As I looked around the walk-in closet one side had her clothes and the other was a shrine. Ribbons, trophies of all sizes, sashes, crowns, planks, most first place and ones on top of a corner shelf were lower ranks.

“Are these all from Alexis?” I said playing and admiring the trophy almost as tall as me.

“Yup, well from the team. Lex is a real competitive person, see that ribbon there?” he said gesturing to a white one with a cheesy smiling face on it. I nodded. “Alexis entered the team in a concert for best facial expression. She hates getting 2nd or 3rd and especially runner up, it makes her blood boil. That’s what this shelf is for.” I looked at the shelf with much smaller trophies and ribbons. “It’s her non 1st place stuff. Before she leaves to practice she looks at them and says she’ll do everything in her power to never have to add to it.” He chuckles, “That’s why she’s such a bitch at practice.”

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