Chapter Two

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Anna's Pov

Once we entered the club, we heard the music pumping and I had a crazy feeling I
was going to enjoy myself. knowing the girls I could say the same for them.

The bar was scary crowded, but we scan it all the same hoping we could see an empty booth available, luckily I spotted one I told the girls and we headed over there.

Once at the booth, Christie said she was going to get us something to drink, while sitting there waiting for her to return I felt a pair a strong eyes looking me over.

I took a glance and to my surprises, its like I spotted a walking god, he was the most sexiest man I have ever seen not to mention how good looking he was, I felt a jolt of electricity surged through the room, I quickly took my eyes off him.

Happy to see Christie back with our drinks, I took a gulp of whatever it was, happy for the distraction, the three of us started to talk and laugh, and we were so enjoying ourselves...tonight was bound to be best night we've had in a while.

"Anna darling, there's a hot hunk of a man staring you down, he's had his eyes on you from the moment you we walked in".

"Karen! You know we came here for a girls night out, you two talked about me meeting a man, but I only said fine to shut you both up, you two should know I am not interested in hooking up with a man at this point in my life." I sighed.

"Anna today at the beach we both decided not to say anything to you, but we are your girls for life and I speak for Christie when I say this, we hate to see you suffering so much, I know you dont wanna hear this but we think its time you tried letting go off the past and have some fun, I know your hurting but you deserve to be happy, you are one of the most beautiful and sexiest girls I have ever met not to mention how brilliant and funny you are. Just let go and be happy, you deserve this."

My heart started to clench in my chest, I knew the girls were right but its so hard to let go and be with a man after all I've been through in my life. It has been a numerous amount of years but I still have nightmares and I am just not ready to be with any man, am not even sure I will ever be ready.

"Guys you both know I love you loads but can we please discuss this some other time? We came to have fun and thats what we are gonna do. So come lets go dance the night away."

We went to the dance floor to get our groove on, Christie and Karen are both dancing up to two men, I wanted to laugh my ass off.

Those girls will never know or do better, seeing as though they were enjoying themselves and I didn't want to take away their fun, I danced a little and then told the girls I was gonnna get some fresh air.

I saw a staircase which I only assumed leaded to the balcony, I headed there. When I reached, my breath caught in my throat its one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever came across, all I could do was stare in amazement. I could loose my self here, take a breath of fresh air and just relax.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I heard a sexy voice said.

I turned to get a view of who it was and to my surprise it was the same guy who was staring at me from across the room. All of a sudden I couldnt find my voice to speak so I turned back my head at stare at the view.

Suddenly I felt heat pulse through my body and chills ran up my arms, I felt a urge I have never felt before, when I realized it was because 'Mr sexy pants' was right behind me, I turned around to stare him in the face. All I wanted to do was jump all over that sexy body, but instead I said

"What the hell do you want!"

That came out more aggressive than I intended, but he only laughed.

"Feisty one are we?"

"Look sweetness, I just came up here to check on you, I've noticed you since the moment you came in with your friends, then I saw you guys dancing and you left them and came here. So I came to see if you were alright. Clearly you are though, so have a great evening feisty princess", he then turned and walked away.

I have never felt so low in my life, all he was trying to do was see if I was ok, and what did I do? I snapped his head off. 'You are a horrible person' my self consciousness screamed at me. I stayed for a few more minutes, then went to find 'Mr. Sexy pants' and apologize then leave with the girls.

When I went back in the club and tried looking for him, he was nowhere to be seen.

I felt bad for the guy, but then again I wont see him again so what does it matter. I spotted Karen and Christie back at our booth with those two guys they were dancing with, their tongues were down the guys throat and they didnt have the decency to see that my friends were drunk.

I went over "girls I am ready to go, you two are drunk, grab your bags and lets go".

I pulled them from those horrible dudes, taking a closer look at them, they were nothing near cute, so I hauled the girls out the bar.

Once outside we waited for a few minutes, then our taxi came we got in and headed for the hotel. Once we were there I paid the driver and told him thanks. I walked the girls into the lobby and headed straight for the elevator, when we reached our master suite I put the girls to have a seat and went to get them some water, after doing that I undress them and put them in their pajamas.

Here I was ready to scowl them "girls what the hell were you thinking" to my surprised both have fallen a sleep. I just covered them shook my head and headed for my bed.

While in bed I couldn't help but think about 'Mr sexy pants', I felt bad for the way I left things.

I was soon to fall asleep only to be confronted with my horrible nightmares, only this time, 'sexy pants was there to save me. My hero!

I woke up sweating and panting, confused as to what time it was, I looked over at the stand to see it was only three in the morning.

I headed to the bathroom to splash my face with water then headed to bed. I fell asleep couple minutes after thinking of my hero.

There guys Chapter Two. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

what could be so horrible leaving Anna with such nightmares. I also cant believe she went off on 'Mr sexy pants' like that, will they meet again? What do you think guys? Let me know. Like vote and comment.

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