Thirty One

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Hey guys, I know it has been a while. I hope this makes up for it.

Not Edited!!!

Anna- One month later

It has been a month since my vacation ended and I had to return to reality.

I have missed Aiden terribly. We talked everyday, but talking just wasn't enough.

I missed waking up next to him and inhaling his scent. He is like a drug, you get addicted, you yearn and yearn for more.

I was aching and itching to touch him. To outline every bone in his intricate face.

Aiden has grown on me and I don't think that's so good. I have fallen in love with a man I might not ever see again.

At least I can say that I have experienced love and it's not as bad as I thought. Nor has others been so lucky to experience such a wonderful feeling. Even if I may never see him again, what we had over my vacation is more than what others can say they have experienced over a lifetime.

Lately I have been feeling really sick. I am always tired, but I blame that on work.

I have lost my appetite for my favourite foods and I also have been losing weight.

My only reaction was that I was stressed. That's the only explanation for what I have been feeling.

It was getting so bad that I decided it's time to get checked out.

I am really not too fond of doctors, but our health should always come first. They say our health is our greatest wealth, and that was no lie.

Ever since I got back, things went back to the way they were before. My nightmares were back and so were my headaches. I'd like to think that it was work stressing me out like that, but it would be a lie.

The truth of the matter was that Aiden drove my nightmares away, he was always there to rock me to sleep when I would get up screaming.

I relied on him when it came to that and now that I am alone I was scared. I still haven't told him a great deal but in time if it was meant to be, he will know. Over my break, I came to depend on him too much and normally I wasn't the one who relied on people to make me happy but with Aiden it was different. It felt right, natural even.

Now that I was alone I was back to being dependent on myself. Saying I miss Aiden was an understatement. My heart aches and my hands tingles, I wanna feel his hair beneath my fingers and I want to see those crinkles beside his eyes when he smiles genuinely.

It's never easy staying strong after being through so much, but sometimes being strong is the only option. So thinking that something is going wrong in your body isn't easy. I want to go to the doctor, but I was scared beyond this world. What if I have a life threatening illness? I know staying home and thinking won't make it any easier but that's what being human does. You over think everything , even when the answers are right in front our eyes.

I am so frustrated now. I am gonna go to the doctor and to hell with thinking that something is wrong with me. I am perfectly fine and I was gonna prove that.

Getting frustrated with myself I got up from my couch and went to rummage through my fridge for something. I was off work for today and tomorrow because of how I am feeling. I took out the peanut butter from the fridge and the grape juice. I grabbed two slice of bread and made a sandwich, I was not gonna sit around and mope about how I feel.

With that I head to the living room and turn on the television, it's time to catch up on flash anyhow. Might as well use my time to do something that doesn't involve me over thinking anything. Sometimes we just need to let life takes it course. When tomorrow comes I'll deal with it, the appointment was set earlier anyway.

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