Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Hey guys I just wanna wish you all a very late merry christmas. I know I am late but its the thought that counts right? I hope you guys enjoyed it to the fullest i know I did.
Be grateful for all you have my loves, not everybody is so fortunate.

However, Just the other day I have realized that the chapters for the book are really short. I cant go back and change the chapters but I will try to make the others longer. I am writing the story on my phone and that's why I wasn't aware. I will make it up to you guys. While you at it guys just check out PERFECT STRANGER. by Polly-Anna-Rome-Doll


Anna's Pov- flashback

It has been two months since the night my step dad beat the living Shit out of me. I spent about two weeks in the private home of the doctor friend my mother carried me to since it was illegal and she could get into trouble, where I was questioned constantly about who did such a thing to me. Of course when my step dad came to visit he told me to tell them I did not see my assailant.

Of course I had to comply and the doctor and my family would come back everyday to question me and I gave them the same answer.

I was scared of my step father so I did whatever he said and because of that he stayed away. He even tried to apologize but I would ignore him. I dont think I could ever learn to forgive him, he was ruthless and cold and he was bound to be dammed in hell for all eternity.

Worst of it all was after waking up and feeling pain, I experienced a deeper pain I never knew excited inside of me. The pain of knowing you lost your child, even though my child was conceived out of shear disgrace and an unpleasant ordeal, I still loved her with every fiber of my being.

To know you lost the one thing that made you hang on to your humanity, was a faith worst than death.

Two months have passed and I still can count the words I willing said to someone. I ignored everybody, I forced myself to shut everybody out. Even though it pained me to see the look of sadness and pain on my mom's face.

I stopped talking to my siblings, only when I was forced to. All I could think of was my child. What she would have looked like. I have nothing else I wanna live for if I cant live to see my daughters face.

Why was I made to experience such agonizing pain? Is my sin greater than anybody else's? I doubt it, but still everyday I am forced to live more and more.

I barely ate and I was beginning to get really thin, my mother would force me to eat and I would take a few bites just to see her looked relieved, even if it was short lived.

I was to go back to school very soon, it was almost the time where my exams would come up so I could begin my secondary education. The school was notified that I was very ill and would return school but they weren't exactly familiar with what's wrong.

Since it was a little community, I know the rumors must have spread but I no longer have a care in the world.

I lost what was most important to me, my child. I know its stupid because I am really young and the father is my step dad, but I cant help but feel that I've lost the most important part of my being.

I never got to see her face, hold her hands, see her eyes or even kiss her cheeks. Why do I have to go through this? I want to have a normal childhood just like anybody else. I want to play with friends, play with a doll. Not look over my shoulders and wonder when my nightmare would start.

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