Chapter Thirteen

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Aiden's Pov

I could sense that Anna was hiding something from me when I questioned her about her appearance at the church earlier today, but I get the fact that everyone has secrets and I wont push her.

I am at the office going over some paper work that is needed for the HR manager and I am behind schedule and thinking about Anna doesn't even help one bit.

She has occupied my mind lately and I cant help but like it, even if it set me back a little in work.

Being the CEO of a chain of hotels and a bar can be a lot of work and is tiresome but at the end of the day I love what I do.

I worked my way to where I am now and I am proud of myself, knowing where I am coming from brings great joy to my heart.

After two hours of constant working I was finally finished with the report and some other important documents. I sent my secretary Carla to give the HR manager the documents.

Carla has been here with me ever since I got started. She is a very nice lady, more like a mother to me. She is married but never got kids of her own so she also considered me her son. If its not for her advice sometimes I dont know how I would cope. So from ever since I always paid her far more than she should get and she always complain but I just shrug her off.

I was free now, and when I checked my watch it was a bit late in the night. After the service today I never wanted to sit around and think so I came to work.

I promised Anna I would call her tonight but the time is a bit late. I dont wanna disturb her, but after much contemplation I decided to call her.

I searched through my phone for her number and when I found it and send the call.

It started ringing and on the third ring a sweet voice answered.


Anna's Pov

I was laying on the couch watching the second episode of season 2 of flash and my eyes were riveted on the tv, and I was enjoying it trust me. I so love Berry Allen, I prefer him better as 'Flash' than has a high school Glee club singer in the movie 'Glee'. Trust me I love 'Glee' but berry does a better job as Flash than as Gay Sebastian.

I heard my phone ringing in the bedroom and I groaned out loud. Who could call me at this hour? I expected Aiden to call me earlier but he didn't and after sitting for hours with my eyes glued on the phone I gave up.

Maybe it was my mom calling to inform me of her day or something of that nature.

I paused the dvd and went to grab the phone. When I looked at the caller I.D I saw it was Aiden and I was suddenly excited.

Thank god the girls are fast asleep I answered.


"Hey Anna, I hope I didn't wake you. I was caught up with work and the time passed quickly and I wasn't sure if I should've still called'

"No I wasn't sleeping, was actually watching Flash when you called"

"I love that series" Aiden said.

If he could see me smiling now.

"Me too" I laughed.

I skipped back to the couch like a teenager. After a minute of awkward silence I heard Aiden said

"Anna, I know we agreeded on being friends and all but I really wanna see you again. I simple cant get you off my mind"

My heart raced because deep down I wanted him to say that to me and this time I wasn't going to run away from him.

"Aiden, I would love to meet you again too. Just tell me when"

"What about tomorrow night? I simply just cant wait"

I laughed at nervous he sounded.

"Well luckily tomorrow night I am free" I laughed

"Give me your address and I'll pick you up around 7"

"Well I am actually staying at a hotel, the hotel name is S &A Sweet Paradise"

"Oh! I know it, I will meet you in the Lobby then"

"Why did you say 'oh' Aiden?

"Its nothing Anna, I promise"

"Okay then"

After that we spoked for a while about random stuff. I stifled a yawn but obviously Aiden heard me because he told me to get some rest.

"Good night Anna, and I look forward in meeting you tomorrow.

"Good night Aiden"

"Night gorgeous" I heard him whispered.

I hung up and looked at the time. It was midnight and I wondered where the time went.

It was too late now to continue watching Flash so I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, after that I went to the room and fell asleep almost immediately

For once I dreamt of flowers and playing around in roses and even Aiden was there and I was truly happy and free.

I never had any nightmares that night and I was greatful.



There there my precious.

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