Chapter Eleven

55 16 2

Aiden's Pov

Every year this time I cant help but wonder if my mother is watching over me and my siblings.

Today August 2 made sixteen years since she has passed. My heart aches every time I think about her. She was a very kind hearted person and jovial, even when she was on her death bed she tried putting on the best expression so others wouldn't be sad for her. If you ask me that was brave and noble of her. She wanted others to feel better over her self. Oh how much I love my mom.

Today is her memorial service at the local church and my sister and brothers and other family members will be there.

Unfortunately my grandmother wont be there, she is really sick and is in a wheelchair and it will be to uncomfortable for her so she made me promise that service will be taped.

I promised her because I knew that my mother was her only girl child and she wanted to be there.

My mind slighty wondered on Anna and I so wish I could see her again. I had this ache in my chest and I knew her presence alone would heal it. Too bad I wont see her. Furthermore, today is not the day to be thinking of her even though I think about her everyday. She was a special case and I knew it.

I was dressed in all black along with my siblings and we left for the church. When we arrived at the church her photo was framed and flowers were decorated all around it.

There was also a sign saying. 'Memorial service for the late Sanya Jessica Clayton's'. I smiled and enter the church.

Everyone was dressed in black except for Aunt Elsada, that woman was a fine piece of work.

As she saw me she blew me a kiss and winked. 'What the hell, you're my great grand aunt and you are behaving like that I wanted to shout at her'. Furthermore she was so old, I could see her trying to wear make up and it was caked on her face and bright lip stick was very smudged.

I laugh at how hideous she looked. She loved them young boys and always tried to squeeze my friends ass when they would past her house. She was a old hoe my grandmother would normally say and I totally agree.

I cringed at the thought seeing her old horse lips on one of my friends or worse ME.

I hastened my steps and walk to the front and sat down after a minute my other siblings sat beside me.

We sat and waited for the ceremony to begin.


Anna's Pov

We asked for directions from locals and they gave us directions to the local church.

Our taxi pulled up there and when we got out we looked at each other in shock.

Obviously there was a service being held there. I instantly felt sad. All I wanted to do with the girls was sit in church and talk to God about my baby girl, my sweety that never made it into this world alive. I sighed in frustration.

"Girls we should probably go, these people deserve privacy to mourn their loss".

"I think we should go in and sit at the back, no one will notice our presence here" Christie said

"I agree with her" Kar said

"Okay okay, majority vote wins. But we wont disturb those people"

They both agreed. Outside there was a picture of a beautiful woman and she resembles someone I know but I could wrap it around my mind.

It was her 16th memorial and it came to my mind that she and my daughter died on the same month and day.

Now I knew we just had to go in. Atleast I could still have talk to God in my heart. Whoever's family is this we had atleast one thing in common, we both lost someone we loved.

Once I stepped in the church I couldn't hell but to be impressed.
The same image that was outside was also inside but a bigger one, there were smaller one's around the alter and some places in the church. Flowers lined them, they were in all kind of colours. Pink and creme while others were yellow and white. But the image of the lady nagged in my mind because she was so familiar but I couldn't have met her because she died sixteen years ago. I pushed it to the back of my mind and thoughts about something else.

We took our seat in the extreme back as the service was just about to begin

The pastor began:

We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Ms, Sanya Jessica Claytons.

She had passed away sixteen years ago from cancer, leaving six children. Jullisa Powers, Jervaine Bryson, Aiden Damein Michaels, Danté Michaels, Matthew Michaels and Chadwin Michaels.

'Aiden Michaels?' I knew a Aiden but I never got his last name. It couldn't be him. I doubt it. I zoned out a little and never heard what the pastor said after that.

My mind drifted to my daughter. I had a miscarriage yes but I had the opportunity to the find out the sex of my baby.

I was ashamed to even be pregnant because it was not by someone I chose, it was by my step father and when my mother found out I was forced to tell her it was of one my friends because my step father would have beaten the Shit out of me if I did.

I felt my hands been nudged by Kar and she told me to focus. The pastor was finishing up and one by one family and friends lined up to pay their respects. I prayed a silent prayer in my heart for my baby because I knew she was in heaven. May her precious soul rest in peace.

My attention was peaked by a woman in a bright color dress secretly drinking from a small liquor bottle. Her face looked like one of the zombies from walking dead and her lip stick looked atrocious. I laughed at her hideous look. What caught me was when I saw her checking the pastor's ass out.

This woman is the devil him self. I had to laugh and people turn around to give me warning looks. I bowed my head and laughed to myself. The girls noticed and join in.

The rest of the ceremony was amazing and when the service was over we slipped out before anyone could notice us and know we didn't belonged there.

Once we were outside, I let out a breath I didnt know I was holding. I had to admit though, it was first in years that I have laughed on this day and it felt good.

I turned around to see piercing brown eyes staring at me.

'Aiden' I breathe.

He was walking over to where I was with the girls. He looked happy to see me but confusion was evident on his face.

"Anna? What are you doing here?"

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