Chapter Twenty-Eight Cont'd

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Hey guys. You my loves are just awesome. I know its a while coming but finally 1K views and I am ecstatic and I owe it all to you guys. I have a very boring life but because I love you guys so much, I am allowing you guys to ask me whatever you want. Q&A, Comment your Questions and I will answer them in the next chapter. If you want though!!! Can we have 2K views guys??? Help me out here. Mwaahs and I love you babies.



"Aiden, you wanted to know where I got my scars?"

I didn't wait for him to answer.

"Most of them I did to myself others are from my step dad, each time he rapes me"

I heard Aiden gasped but I was too tired to be sure, so I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

"What do you mean you were raped? By your stepdad at that?" Aiden was looking at me with a look of disgust on his face and I instantly knew I shouldn't have told him.

"You are damaged goods, I dont want damaged goods and you could be telling a lie on a poor innocent man. You two timing bitch. I bet you told me this so I can feel sorry for you!!! Guess what I don't. Now get the fuck out of my house. Little bitch!!!"

I have never seen Aiden look at me any worst. He is looking at me like an old rag that isn't even worth being in his trash.

I knew I shouldn't have told him, now look. I have messed it up. I took my things and left Aiden's place. Before I left I turned and look back one last time, to remember what he looked like. When I turned back it was to only to see him already having his tongue down that bitches face. The one with the over sized canon balls.

Wow, was I that easy to replace? I just left crying like I have never before and with my heart in my hands. It looked old and dried up. I dropped it to the floor and ran for my life.

I jumped up from my dream sweating and panting with tears streaming down my face. I felt around the bed but Aiden wasn't there. Where was he??? I got up to search for him and instantly I knew where he was. I grabbed one of his sweaters and went im search of him.

I made my way to the balcony on the third floor and I was correct, there he was looking over the view and I went over to join him.

He sensed I was there and drew me closer to his body and wrapped his arm around me. He didn't speak for a while and I was ok with that.

"Its beautiful isn't it? I heard Aiden asked

"Yes it is. I love watching the stars twinkle in all their glory. There isn't anything more beautiful"

"Except for you Anna. You are the most beautiful creature there ever is and will be"

"That's corny but sweet"

I really wanted to believe that I was as beautiful as he said, but I knew it was a lie" I am anything but beautiful.

To me the stars were and I wish I could be like them. Have no care in the world than looking beautiful. I always had a thing for stars and cloud. I often find beautiful shapes in them. Everyone claim I was nuts because they couldn't ser what I saw.

"Hey Aide, can you see that?"


"Right there is a Lion?"

"What the freckles?" Where? Where? Let me call animal control"

"No silly, in the stars. Right there" I pointed to him.

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