Chapter 3- Welcome to Hell

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I am standing on the top of a tall building, and I so high up that I can't see the ground. All I can see for miles is a blanket of clouds. The wind is blowing my hair back gently, and I feel so free. Is this heaven? Suddenly a horrible alarm sounds and flames appear around me, closing in on me, just as the first flame touches me, I jolt awake.

I wake up expecting to be burning alive, but instead my alarm is going off and I am sitting up in bed sweating and panting. I fall back into my bed with relief, and hit the snooze button on my alarm. I stare at the ceiling and contemplate how I will survive the day.
After the incident at school, I told my mom I had a severe stomach ache and I fooled her into thinking I had a fever by dipping the thermometer in hot water before she took my temperature. She let me miss the first week of school, but now it was Monday again, and I was out of tricks.

Since I had been gone, things had gotten worse. Haley had made multiple mean posts about me on twitter. The worst part was that everyone was favoriting her tweets and laughing about them adding to it in the comments below.  I cried for five hours after I read her 7 posts about me.

I dawdled in bed for a half hour until my mom burst into my room.
"Brittany Grace Jacobson! Get out of bed now! The bus is going to be here in ten minutes!"
"I don't feel good," I moaned.
"You can't afford to miss anymore school young lady!" My mom protested.
"Uggg," I complained.
"Get up now or I will sell all your drawing supplies!" Mom threatened.

Instantly, I was on my feet. I ran into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, splashed some ice cold water on my face, brushed through my long hair, and ran to my closet. I slipped on a black hoodie that had a white skull on it and a pair of ripped black skinny jeans. Then I put in my black studs and slipped on my black converse. Lastly, I braided my hair to the side and applied some concealer and mascara to my ugly face.

I ran down the hall and into the kitchen where I grabbed a breakfast bar and a store bought strawberry banana smoothie.
"Bye Mom!" I yelled.
I grabbed my black backpack and dashed out the door.

I made it to the bus stop just in time. I sat in the middle of the bus by myself, and put on my headphones. I could feel people staring at me, but I looked down and ignored them all. I pulled out my sketch pad and began to draw.

Long black streaks with sharp edges came together on the page to for a serrated knife. I shaded in the handle and create shadows on the left side of the knife. Then, I take a red colored pencil and form long drips pf blood coming off the knife. I color it crimson red and add maroon shadows to add depth. As I finish, the bus pulls up at school, and I stuff my sketchbook into my bag. I stand up, but get knocked down. A tall kid pins me to the window. I recognize him as Jake. His hot breath blows in my face. I struggle to breathe; he has me by the neck. He punches me in the jaw, and I scream at the top of my lungs. I can hear people laughing and jeering, but nothing here is funny;
I can't even breathe.
"Cut that out!" Yells the bus driver.
" Welcome to hell twerp," whispers Jake. He throws me to the ground and saunters out. I pull myself to my feet and gain control. I climb off the bus, tears clouding my vision.
"Cry baby!" Yells Jake.
"Poor little Brittany," adds his friend.
Jake pretends too cry, mocking me in front of everyone.
"Jerk face! We all know what you tried to do to her. You are such a lesbian!" Jake slaps me on my cheek. Then he jabs me in the stomach, and walks away. I crumple to the ground in pain.
The bell rings, and I feel light headed. I try to stand,  but I collapse. I hate life.

And so it begins :) Sorry chapter 4 isn't
up yet... It takes me a long time to write a chapter and I am constantly editing previous chapters, and of course school and homework. No one is reading this anyway :(

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