Dear No One,
After what happened with Grayson and Haley, I feel worthless. Grayson's words haunt me every night. I hear him yelling "You are NOTHING!" in my dreams. I feel his fists punching the life out of me. I feel hopeless. I have begun to believe his lies. I am nothing.
What hurt far worse than that was watching Ethan get beat up because of me. I'll admit it; I have a tiny crush Ethan. He is everything I could possibly want in a guy: honest, funny, sweet, defensive, smart, incredibly hot. The sight of him makes me feel elated. I could watch him for hours; I could never get tired of his beautiful face. Gosh, calm down Britt. Anyway, seeing him get beat up made me feel so guilty. I didn't defend him like he did me. I didn't even speak to him. I can't bear to look at him and see the bruises that I am responsible for. I don't deserve him. Not after what I did.
~One week later~
"Brittany! Come here sweetie!" mom yells.
It is Saturday evening, and mom just got home from work. She works every day of the week; my mom gets no break. I run down the hallway and meet her in the kitchen.
"Yes Mom?" I say.
My mom hands me a box of Chinese takeout. I open it and force some of it down to make her happy, even though I will probably throw it up later.
"Look, I know you won't be happy about this, but your dad is coming over for Thanksgiving."
Before I can object, she continues.
"Believe me, I don't want to see him again either, but he already took it upon himself to but tickets for himself, his wife Julia, Avery, Jennifer, and Angelina. He insisted that we haven't seen each other since Jennifer was born, and he's right. But trust me, this will be just as painful for me as it will be for you."
I sit there in shock as memories of my dad flood in. I try to drain them, but more replace them. I squeeze my eyes closed so tight that tears leak from them.
"NO!" I yell.
Resentment toward him burns like a fire inside me, consuming all my other emotions. I shutter at the thought of his face. I break down and just cry. My mom pulls me onto her lap, even though I am the same size as her. She strokes my hair and fights back tears of her own. I am inconsolable. How DARE he! The jerk has some nerve. I am hardly aware of my mom carrying me to my room and tucking me under my covers. She sits on the bedside and begins to sing. She has a beautiful voice, nothing like my ugly, raspy one.
If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a girl who makes potions in a traveling show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one's for you
And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the worldI calm down at the sound of my mother's voice, just like when I was a young child. She sings "Your Song" softly all the while stroking my hair. When she finishes, she bends down and whispers in my ear.
"Honey, I love you so much. You mean everything to me. I wish I could give you more than what I do, but I am already giving you my all. We'll get through this together baby."
She stands up and looks at me. My mom has shoulder length hair the same color as mine and beautiful hazel eyes. She has a perfect white smile; it's easy to see why my father fell for her. She has high cheek bone with natural contours- she only wears light makeup. She doesn't need any at all to be honest. I can see the hurt in her pretty eyes, scars left by my father. She deserved better.
My mom turns off the lights and closes the door, leaving me at the hand of my imagination. I fall asleep quickly, and the dreams begin.
I sit in my room, my back against the door, waiting for my father to come home. It's nearly midnight, but I couldn't sleep. I could hear my mom crying in the next room, and I couldn't figure out why. This had happened before, and I needed to know what was upsetting her. Just as I was dozing ofd, I heard the jangling of keys in the door and jolted awake.
"Honey! Why are you still up!" I heard my father exclaim.
I peeked out my bedroom door to watch. My mother sat in a recliner, tears streaming down her face.
"Please tell me it's not true!" She pleaded.
My father wore a confused look. He walked over to her and ran his fingers though her hair. She abruptly smacked his fingers away, hurt in her eyes.
"Don't touch me!" She cried.
"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked tenderly.
"Stop playing dumb David," she spat.
She pulled her phone from her pocket and showed him what I assumed was a picture. He instantly looked horrified.
He sheepishly looked at the ground.
"DAVID HOW COULD YOU!" My mother screamed, tears streaming down her face.
"I AM DONE DAVID! DONE!" She broke down into violent sobs. My father kissed her lightly on the head, and she slapped him again.
"Get out David. Go be happy with your girlfriend," she sobbed.My father and her fought for the next week, and then he left. No goodbye, no apologies, only wreckage. He used her, and merely played with her heart. She suffered with him for 7 years, and finally she forced him out. I will never forgive my father. Ever.
Another sad chapter :( Thanks for reading. Please vote this! Thanks ily all!- Erica

Dear No One | Ethan Dolan Fan Fiction
FanfictionLoneliness. Sadness. Depression. These are all emotions 15 year old Brittany experiences and journals about on a daily basis. She feels that no one cares anymore and that she is unlovable. Her best friend starts bullying her with the help of her boy...