Chapter 12- Grayson

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I brace myself for a beating, but instead his lips smash into mine. The collision knocks me backwards onto the bed. I am too stunned to move; my mind can't comprehend what is happening. The boy who has bullied me terribly is now trying to make out with me?! Is this even real? It must be because I feel his soft lips press passionately and vigorously into my own. 

I try to move, but his muscular body has me pinned to the bed. I don't want his love or whatever he's doing. I only want Ethan. Suddenly, I feel his hands grabbing my face, pulling it closer to mine. I panic when I feel them sliding down my neck and under my shirt. They trace along my arm and then slide to my waist. His fingertips slip into the waistband of my black skinny jeans. I try to scream, but he seizes the opportunity and jams his tongue into my mouth. He pushes himself on top of me, not once coming up for air. I can't breathe; the weight of his body is suffocating.  I bite his tongue and he winces in pain, letting up on his grasp slightly. I take the chance and kick him as hard as I can in his crotch. He leaps backwards in pain, and I scream as loud as I can.

I hear feet running, then the jangling of keys, the door flys open, and Cameron freezes in the doorway. She just stands there, completely confused. Her eyes shift from me to Grayson, she doesn't know who to be worried about. Ethan appears behind her and races to my side. He picks me up bridal style and carries me into his bedroom, but I am not afraid. I trust Ethan.

I can't speak; the words are in my head, but my mouth can't pronounce them. I am so shocked; it all happened so fast. It's like I am mute. I just lay there, silent tears coming down my face. Ethan leans in slowly and kisses one of my tears. I look up into his eyes, and he blushes slightly. He thinks he went too far and I didn't like it, but the opposite is true. I wish he would do it again, but instead he wipes them with the sleeve of his gray t-shirt. I just lay there, looking into his beautiful hazel eyes. His beauty is mesmerizing. I wish he would just lean down and kiss me, but he doesn't, probably because he doesn't like me. No one likes me. They just occasionally feel pity for me.

~ Ethan's POV ~

I carry Britt into my room bridal style and sit with her in my arms. She doesn't speak, and I don't pressure her too. I figure the best thing to do is just let her be. There is no telling what Grayson did to her.

Tears begin to slide down her pale cheeks, and I know I shouldn't, but I lean down and kiss a tear off her soft cheek. Her dark eyes meet mine, and I feel my cheeks warm. Dang it Ethan, why are you ruining this?! You know she doesn't like you. She just needs you to be there for her. I just look into her eyes, examining the intricate things about them that make them beautiful. Brittany has a subtle beauty about her. Little things make me fall more in love with her like the way she smiles nervously when our eyes meet, her hilarious but adorable laugh, the way her eyes light up when she sees me; she must really feel alone.

I look down and notice scars on her wrists, that she tried to conceal with wristbands. I gently hold her wrists and look her in the eye.
"Don't do this anymore," I whisper.
She looks at me with sadness in her eyes, sadness that I wish I could wipe away. She aches more than I will ever understand. I wish she would talk to me. I want to help her, but she doesn't fully trust me. I can't help but think of that day in the lunchroom that she ran from me. What is she hiding?
"Do you want to try to talk?" I ask gently, trying not to pry.
Her eyes flicker down to the floor.
"H-he grabbed m-m-me and locked me in his r-room and then he started k-k-kissing me," she croaked. "A-and he pinned me down and was s-s-sliding his hand down my shirt, and I t-tried to scream, but he jammed his tongue in my mouth and then I kicked him a-a-a," her voice trails off and soft sobs escape her lips. My heart breaks for her. He just bullied her and bullied her, and then confused her even more by kissing her. Wait, does he like her? Does she like him? Maybe she likes me? Maybe she doesn't like either of us. I wish I could just ask her.

I love her more than she will ever realize. When I first met her, I only wanted to help her, but soon I was falling. How can you not love someone so beautiful? But she has no idea, because so many people have told her she is nothing. Her face isn't the only beautiful thing about her. She is sweet, honest, loving, and she only wants to be loved and accepted, but no one will give her that chance.

~ Britt's POV ~

Tears fill my eyes as I tell Ethan what happened with Grayson. I am so confused. Why did he kiss me? Does he like me? He can't! He bullies me everyday! He hates me... But yet he kissed me with such passion.. Wait did I enjoy the kiss? Do I have a crush on my bully, Grayson Dolan? No, I can't. I love Ethan, but Grayson...
My thoughts and emotions swirl vigorously within me. Faster and faster, making me feel dizzy and lightheaded. I need an escape, but I can't cut here. My vision is blurry, and things move slowly. I look up, and steady my eyes on Ethan. My world slows down, and the spinning stops.
"It's 10:00, you need to call your mom," Ethan reminds me. I nod and wipe the tears out of my eyes. I dial her number and tell her I need her to come pick me up.
"I'll text you," Ethan reassures me.
"Okay," I say quietly.
My mom pulls up, and I hop into the passenger seat. I've decided not to tell her about Grayson.
"So how was the movie?" My mom asks.
"Good," I say, not wanting to talk.
"Who all was there?" She prompts.
"Ethan, Grayson, and their sister Cameron."
"No parents?!"
"I would NOT have let you stay if you told me that."
"Exactly why I didn't tell you."

She tries to get me to talk, but I refuse. I ignore her instead. I pull on my headphones and blast music. It is my escape. My thoughts are drown out by the amazing beat, and all I hear is amazing music instead of the crappy beat of my own life.

We arrive home, and everyone is already sleeping. I grab my sleeping bag and tiptoe into the collapse into it. l don't bother brushing my teeth or anything, I just slip on some comfy black Hollister shorts and a gray loose t-shirt. I want to end my misery with the delirium of dreams that can scare me, but they aren't real unlike what happened tonight.  I flop down, but sleep won't come. Instead, my thoughts haunt me. The world spins, except this time, I don't have Ethan to steady me. I feel nausea, so I run to the bathroom and throw up my popcorn. I come back to see my phone lighting up the room. It's a text from an unknown number, but I have a feeling I know who it's from.

i'm sorry please let me talk  to you -Unknown

I know it's a horrible idea, even in my mentally unstable state, but I have to see him. I need answers.

Shorter than the last one (sorry)... I wanted to leave it on another cliffhanger cuz the next part is gonna take awhile to write plus i have SO MUCH HOMEWORK AHHHH. I'm writing an essay for our reading book, studying for a math test, doing regular math, writing a poem, and making an edit for our instagram account (grethan_phanatics) so yeaaa and thanks for comments on the last chapter they make me so happy :) ily!


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